“Sheriff,” she repeated louder, sweeping a hand toward her bruised face. “I just informed you that my husband left these marks on me. I expect you to cuff him and take him down the station. Dr. Green will be forwarding proof of my injuries and a medical report detailing them.”
The sheriff winced. “Elise,” he said quietly. “Why don’t you come with us and talk? There’s no need to do this publicly. We can get this nonsense worked out.”
“For the third time, Sheriff,” she bit out slowly. “I would like to make a formal complaint against my husband for beating me.”
The sheriff threw Henderson a nervous look before swiping a hand down his face.
Colt slid a hand into his inside pocket and pulled out his badge, holding it up. “You gonna take Mrs. Henderson’s complaint seriously?”
Sheriff paled, glancing nervously at the mayor as the realization struck him that he was suddenly caught between theproverbial rock and hard place. His cheeks burned, and his stare hit his boots, no doubt because he recognized he had no choice. He either fucked over his boss or risked his badge.
“I’m sorry, Robert,” he murmured. “Gonna have to ask you to accompany me down the station.”
The nerves in my gut settled.
“You don’t want to do this,” Henderson warned.
“Please, Robert,” the sheriff implored. “Just come down the station. I’ll take your statement, then you’ll be released.” His eyes slid toward Colt and back toward the mayor again. “Call off your men.”
Henderson glowered for a full minute before jerking his head at his minion.
The commando raised his hand in a silent order for his men to drop their guns.
Clicks filled the air as the commandos’ safeties went on, and they lowered their weapons.
Every Demon kept their weapons raised. There was no way I’d give the order for my boys to retreat. Our firepower was gonna stay pointed at these assholes until they left. My hand held steady as I kept my barrel pointed at Henderson’s men. “Good choice, Sheriff,” I said, voice steady.
The mayor’s glare slid to Elise, and he rasped, “That was very stupid,wife. You forget I’ve got something of yours in my possession that I’ve taken excellent care of up to now. That’s about to change.”
I watched, fascinated, as Leesy’s face blanked, and she walked toward the gate, Atlas and Colt still crowding her back. She approached her husband with her head high and proud. “Do your worst,” she hissed. “You can’t manipulate me anymore.”
Henderson’s eyebrows snapped together, and he looked at her with suspicion.
Elise leaned forward to get closer to the fuckwad, and she quietly murmured something directly into his face. “Fuck off, Robert.”
My chest loosened.
Even after all these years, my girl still had a will of steel. She didn’t need my help. All I had to do was stand back and enjoy the show.
The mayor’s eyes widened slightly, taking in Leesy’s confident stance. He remained silent and studied her, his stare flicking over her determined expression as he tried to work out what the fuck had changed.
“I’m divorcing you on the grounds of spousal abuse and infidelity,” Elise clipped out. “I won’t rest until your name is mud and every person in this town sees you for the pariah you are. You’re an evil, narcissistic, sad little man, Robert, and I won’t give up until the authorities lock you up and throw away the key for your sick, deviant behavior. You see, your biggest mistake was thinking you had me over a barrel,darling. While you believed you’d maneuvered me exactly where you wanted me, I was making my own moves. You should never underestimate a woman, Robert; wealwayscome back fighting.” A slow smile spread across her face, and she flicked her gaze down him and up again before scraping out her final blow, “Make the most of your freedom, dearhusband, because, by the time I’ve finished getting my payback for everything you stole from me, you won’t be enjoying it for very much longer.” Her stare flicked to the sheriff, and she lifted one eyebrow mockingly. “Well?”
He visibly gulped. “I’m sorry, Robert, but I’ll have to take you down the station. I’m certain we can sort everythin’ to everybody’s satisfaction.” His hand rested on Henderson’s arm, and he turned and guided him toward the cop car, glancing at usover his shoulder. “I’ll be back later,” he threw out. “And I expect to gain access.”
“Come back with a deputy, and you can come in,” I confirmed loudly. “But if you bring Mayor Asshole and his band of merry fuckwits, the gate’ll stay closed. The Speed Demons are giving Elise Henderson safe haven. You respect that fact or get gone.”
“The photographs and report will be emailed to you within minutes,” Colt called out to the sheriff as he helped Henderson into the back of the car. “There’ll be enough evidence to charge him, so you see to that, or I’ll be bringing up your conduct with Internal Affairs.”
The sound of car doors slamming filled the air as the commandos began to pile back inside their vehicles. We kept our weapons trained on them until their engines started, and all the SUVs, one by one, began to slowly pull away. The sheriff’s car took the rear position, and it trundled back down the road toward town.
My hand went to the back of my neck to rub there tension there.
The echo of safeties clicking back on filled the ether, and the men lowered their weapons, their shoulders slumping with relief as they shot me chin lifts and began to disperse.
“What the fuck was that?” Cash demanded, sliding his Glock back inside his cut.
“Impending war,” Abe replied, his mouth setting into a thin line as his eyes caught mine.