Page 13 of Dagger

“Get the fuck outta here, Henderson,” Cash ordered, chin jerking toward the line of men. “And take your asswipe buddies with ya. You’re not gettin’ what you came for.”

Distant flashing blue lights caught my eye, and my head swiveled toward the dark blue Chevy Impala trundling up the road toward us.

“At last,” Henderson crowed. “The sheriff.”

I planted my feet apart and folded my arms across my chest. “Oh look, here comes Dumber.”

My boys snickered as the Impala pulled to a stop outside the gates. The sheriff’s door flew open and he got out, turning toward the hut where Billy sat.

“Let me in, son,” he requested firmly.

My prospect shrugged nonchalantly. “Sorry. The button broke.”

“Stop playin’ the fool,” the sheriff bit out. “I’ll throw you in County if those gates ain’t open in the next twenty seconds.”

“Not kiddin’ ya, Sheriff,” Billy threw back, tone filled with humor. “The button’s gotten stuck. Can’t open shit.”

Muted laughter rose up around me as my men reacted to Billy’s blatant lie. I couldn’t help my lips twitching at the sheriff’s reddening face.

“Open the gates, or I’ll be takin’ every one of you the station. This shit will earn you time in County,” he spluttered.

“Why you here, Sheriff?” I called out.

“You’ve been accused of holding Elise Henderson against her will,” he stated. “The mayor here’s worried about his wife. Open the gates, John. We’ll come in and get this issue resolved in no time.”

“You gotta warrant?” I asked.

His eyes slid to Henderson, then back to me. “Was hoping I wouldn’t need one.”

I folded my arms across my chest, unmoving, “Elise is here of her own free will. She’s seeking sanctuary from her husband. She won’t talk to him without legal counsel present.” One corner of my mouth hitched. “Elise has appointed a lawyer.”

Henderson’s eyes narrowed angrily, and he ground out, “She’s my wife.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t use her as a punching bag then,” I retorted.

The sheriff’s mouth twisted. “Now come on, John, I’m sure it’s just a marital tiff.” He jerked his chin toward Billy. “Tell your boy to open the gates so we can come in and talk like gentlemen.”

My stare went toward the hut. “Billy,” I called.

“Yeah, boss?”

“That button stays broken,” I ordered.

Cash snorted.

“Got it, boss.” Billy chuckled.

My eyes caught the sheriff’s. “You’re not comin’ in. No warrant means no entry. You’re crazy if you think I’m gonna bend over and let you fuck me up the ass. You may be on Henderson’s payroll and police this town according to his say-so, but this is my property, and when you’re on my turf, I do the ass fuckin’. Your boss has no say in what happens here.”

The sheriff’s face began to turn purple at my accusations. “I’m on the town’s payroll, not the mayor’s,” he blustered.

“Potato potahto,” I responded drolly. “Now you know my position. I suggest you all turn around, get back in your fancy vehicles, and fuck off. Elise’s lawyer will be in touch.”

“We’re not leaving until you hand my wife and my assistant over,” Henderson argued, turning to the sheriff and staring at him pointedly.

The sheriff pulled his shoulders back. “I have to insist, John. If you don’t let us in, things could get nasty.” He glanced at the commando standing behind Henderson. “Just hand Elise and Stafford over, and we’ll be on our way.”

“You threatening me?” I grated out.