Page 133 of Dagger

She pursed her lips and sniffed again.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to my side. “Say goodnight, Elise.”

She sighed. “Goodnight.”

“Nite,” Abe called out to us, watching as I opened the door and dragged her through it while my brother’s chuckles filtered after us into the hallway.

“You wanna get coffee with me?” I asked nervously.

She twisted her body and looked up at me. “No.”

My heart began to sink until she followed it up with, “I’d prefer a hot chocolate. If I drink coffee after five, I’ll be awake for half the night.”

“Right then,” I muttered, keeping hold of her hand and smiling down at her. “Hot chocolate it is.

Chapter Twenty-Two


My heart flipped inside my chest when John led me inside the kitchen and gestured for me to sit. Maybe it was because we’d had our fingers laced together all the way there. Or perhaps it was because being close to him and feeling his skin on mine dredged up feelings that, just a few months ago, I didn’t believe I’d ever experience again.

John checked the coffee pot and grimaced. “It’s probably been there hours.”

“I’ll make some fresh,” I offered.

“Nah. You sit,” he ordered. “I’m no Martha Stewart, but I can make a pot of coffee.”

He started to go inside cupboards, banging doors as he opened and closed them, and a bubble of laughter rose through my chest. “John, sit down. I’ll make the damned coffee. You’ll be there all night looking, especially as it isn’t kept there.” I went inside the pantry and pulled out a large tin full of coffee grounds, shooing John out of my way.

“Thanks, Leesy,” he said quietly. “I know I’m useless in the kitchen,” he shook his head, muttering, “good with a gun, though.”

I spooned coffee into the top of the machine before filling it with water. “Will you teach me how to shoot?”

I turned in time to see his eyebrows pull together questioningly, so I rushed to explain myself. “Seeing how confident Layla felt because she could shoot made me wish I’d learned more. It’s wild: in the early days of being with Robert, I tried to teach myself self-defense, but of course, it didn’t go well. I always said, if I got the chance, I’d never leave myself vulnerable again, but I’ve been lazy.” I grabbed two mugs, added sugar for John, and spooned some Swiss Miss into mine.

“I’ll teach you how to shoot,” he offered. “When you’re ready, I’ll even take you to get your gun.”

I beamed. “It’s a date.” Turning, I saw there was enough Joe in the percolator for John’s cup, so I poured his coffee and added water to my drink before carrying them to the table and taking the seat opposite.

Leaning my elbow on the table, I rested the side of my head on my hand and asked John the million-dollar question. “How are you feeling?”

“Shell-shocked,” he replied, taking a sip from his cup. “Dealing with the fuckers who murdered Ashley and Maze wasn’t easy. It had to be done, but I’m not like them, Leesy. Snuffing out life isn’t something I’m comfortable doin’.” He tipped his head back, his eyes glazing over. “I dunno what to say about Shotgun. It’s like there were two men: my brother, and the asshole who let us down. I’m embarrassed that I trusted him when he was such a loose cannon. Then there’s Fender and the kids.” He shook his head. “He’s a broken man, and I know it’s somethin’ he has to work out by himself, but I just wanna take the pain away from him.”

Frustration rolled off him in waves so forceful I could almost feel it. Without thinking, I stretched my hand out and covered his. “It’s awful, John. Especially when the family’s so young. Butthey’ll make it through. Fender’s a good man, and he loves his kids. He’ll make it okay for them. They’ve got a huge family here and people who adore them. We’ll all help.”

John moved his hand to cover mine. “You’ll still be here then?”

“This place has gotten under my skin. It’s where our daughter and granddaughter are. Where your family is. I know Shotgun betraying the club was a blow, but the men are here for the right reasons.” My throat heated. “Do you remember the day we came to see this place with Stevie?”

“Never forgot, baby,” he replied softly.

“I was so excited for you, John, but deep down, I think I knew I wouldn’t fit in.”

He squeezed my fingers. “Damn, Leesy. You couldn’t have been more wrong.”

My shoulder lifted slightly in response. “I was right and wrong. Now, I fit in because of everything that happened over the years hardened me. But I’m not sure I would’ve coped when I was younger.” I sat forward and clasped his hand with my other one. “We had so much against us, John. I had no clue what I was letting myself in for. The way the club was back then scared me, and I would never have felt comfortable with Bandit involved. He didn't think I was strong enough, and he wouldn’t have rested until he’d proved himself right. I don't think we stood a chance, not only because of Robert’s behavior, but also because of all the other obstacles.”

“You know what I wish?” he murmured.