“Yeah,” Abe agreed. “You’ll be safer in Vegas, and so will Sera.”
“What about Mason?” she demanded, her face twisting angrily. “What if something happens to him? What if those animals hurt him? I’m not leaving. I need to be here.”
“You’re goin’, Rissy,” Abe insisted. “Mason will be fine.”
“You’re not making me leave my son,” she bit out. “I’m not going.” With a toss of her head, she turned on her heel and stomped out of the kitchen.
Abe closed his eyes and pushed a breath out through his nose. “She’s goin’. I’d rather her be angry than dead.”
“You can’t force her,” John muttered.
“Yeah, I fuckin’ can,” Abe grated out, throwing his fork on his plate with a clatter and stalking out after his wife.
“Wow,” Layla whispered, her eyes wide with shock. “I’ve never seen those two argue before.”
“They don’t fight a lot, but when they do, it’s like World War Three,” John explained, his eyes on the door where Abe had just exited.
“Why do you want to send us away?” I demanded. “Aren’t we safer here with you?”
He put his fork down. “It’s a precaution.”
“We’re unprotected there,” I pointed out.
“No, you’re not. Hustle and Katie are on their way home now to arrange for Tote to cover you at Kennedy’s. She’s goteverythin’ you’ll need there, and if worse comes to the worse, she has a panic room. The kids’ll be over the moon ‘cause they can play in her pool, and it’s sweltering hot. They’ll see it as a vacation, and when the heat’s off, we’ll bring you straight home.”
I turned to face Layla. “What do you think? Do you want to go?”
“I don’t want to leave Bowie, but if he wants me to go and take the kids, I will.” She shrugged. “Can’t say I’m looking forward to it, though.”
“Ned won’t go,” I stated. “And Sophie’s expecting to be busy treating the wounded. She even asked me to assist—” A loud shriek cut me off.
“I’m not going anywhere!”
John winced.
Cash’s voice floated on the air. “Wildcat, baby. I need you and Wilder to be safe.”
“Fuck off!”Cara bellowed, the sound of high heels tapping on tile getting closer until suddenly she burst into the kitchen, her eyes flashing with rage. “Have they told you they’re sending us to fucking Vegas?” she demanded. “I can’tbelievethem.”
Cash sauntered in with Wilder on his hip. “It’ll only be for a few days, baby.”
John shot him a look.
“Or maybe a week,” Cash corrected.
“Ugh!” Cara huffed. “I hate Vegas. It’s hot and dusty.”
“Maybe we could get dressed up and go to the casino?” Layla suggested. “We could get noticed by some high rollers, sit at a table with them, and they could put cash down our cleavages like in the movies.”
The anger drained out of Cara’s face. “Hmm,” she hummed, tapping her lip thoughtfully. “Interesting.”
Cash’s head reared back. “I don’t fucking think so.”
“It’ll be fine,” Cara said, waving off his protests. “I won’t go to bed with them or anything. You shouldn’t judge me by your standards.”
Cash’s eyes narrowed on his ol’ lady.
Wilder began to wriggle to get down.