Page 92 of Dagger

Atlas spat out a curse, his face twisting with rage.

“Go on, Duchess,” Cash encouraged softly.

Elise chewed on her bottom lip nervously and straightened her spine, physically pulling herself together. “The house was about a mile down the road from that gas station you just mentioned. It belonged to his grandparents on his mom’s side. They left it to her when they died, and she gave it to him. It was a big place with at least eight bedrooms. It also had staff accommodation built at the back of it, about six apartments in total. It sits on three acres, just past Hilton Heights.” Her eyes widened as an idea hit her. “Oh my God, John. Robert liked the place because there was plenty of room and total privacy.”

My gut surged, and I glanced at Colt. “Look it up.”

“Already on it,” he replied, his fingers flying across his iPad.

“I’m sorry, John,” Elise whispered, her eyes boring into mine. “Robert told me he sold it when she died, so I haven’t thought about it in years. I can’t believe it never clicked before.”

“I’m in the property records now,” Colt murmured, his eyes glued to the tablet as he tapped away. “What was her name?”

“Donna,” Elise replied immediately. “Her maiden name was… shit.” She clicked her fingers repeatedly as she tried to think. “It began with an M.”

“Got it,” Colt shouted, looking up. “Milford!”

“That’s it!” Elise shouted excitedly.

Colt’s mouth twisted as his fingers flew over the iPad. “Lawrence and Mary Milford died in nineteen-seventy-two, four months apart. They left their family home to their only child, Donna, who passed later.” He glanced up at me. “The deeds were never transferred. They’re still in the Milford’s name. It’s why we never traced the house back to Henderson.”

“Of course he didn’t,” Elise said flatly. “He needed a safe house because he was already trafficking women. When Donna died, it fell in his lap.” Her expression became distressed. “Why didn’t I put it together? I’m such an idiot.”

I shot out of my seat, and my palms hit the table. “Don’t, Leesy. You’ve just given us the best lead we’ve had since we found out about this shit. We’ve gotta man in the area who can scope the place out, so I reckon within a few hours we can plan our next move.” I walked around the table to approach my woman. “Is there anything else you remember?”

Leesy shook her head. “No. I wasn’t in a good state of mind when I was there. I’d lost you, and they took my baby…” Tears filled her eyes. “I was a mess.”

An ache gripped my chest. “I’m sorry, baby.”

She swiped at her eyes. “It wasn’t your fault,” her lip curled, “it washis.”

“He won’t get away with it,” I vowed. “I swear to you, Elise, he’ll regret the day he crossed us.”

A watery smile played around her mouth. “Good. Do you need me for anything else?”

I shook my head and watched her turn on her heel and leave the room without a backward glance.

“Abe, put a group text out,” I ordered, my eyes still on the door. “Cancel full member Church. We need to give Hendrix time to gather intel, plus Kit and Ned are gettin’ married tomorrow. After the wedding, we’re goin’ on the offense. If those fuckers are holed up in that house, we attack.” My starefinally slid to Colt. “Get Hendrix on the phone. Tell him to get over there and scout the place out, then get back here for a meet. They messed with the Demons,” I scraped out. “Now, it’s time to raise hell.”

Chapter Sixteen


“You’re beautiful,” I breathed, gazing at Kennedy in the full-length mirror.

Her wedding dress was silky, strapless, skin-tight down to her calves, and sexy as hell. “The moment Kit sees you, he’s gonna throw you over his shoulder and carry you back down the aisle to bed.”

“Excellent,” she murmured, studying herself in the mirror while she fiddled with the white gold diamond and sapphire earrings I’d lent her for something borrowed and blue. “These are beautiful. Thank you.”

“Bert Henderson gave them to me on my twenty-fifth birthday,” I told her. “He was a good man, nothing like his son. They’re not tainted, and I think they’ll bring you luck.”

Kennedy turned to me and took my hands in hers. “Why would you think they were tainted? They’re just things.”

“Everything Robert touched, he tainted,” I whispered. “It’s like his poison seeped from his skin to everything he held close. Even his son.”

Kennedy stared at me incredulously. “Do you think you’re tainted?”

I swallowed the bile rising through my chest. “I don’t know what I am anymore. But what I do know is that I’m not good for anyone else. Everything I touch turns to dust.”