“He’s right,” Breaker interjected. “D’ya think they haven’t planned their escapes down to the finest detail? If we go for one without the other, it may backfire.”
“We need eyes on ‘em.” My stare went back to Colt.
“Haven’t got a bead on ‘em.” Colt shrugged. “But I’d bet my last dollar that Bear’s back from Cali for good and hidin’ out in Mapletree.”
“Would Elise know somethin’?” Cash asked.
“I was about to ask the same damned thing,” Bowie added.
Colt turned to my boys. “Get her in here.”
“I’ll go,” Abe muttered, standing and leaving the room.
I sat back, wracking my brains as to where the fuck Henderson and Bear could be meeting.
The only places the Sinners openly hung out had been burned down. The entire club went underground because theyknew we were hunting them. Apart from the odd sneak attack, we hadn't heard jack from them in months.
There had to be somewhere they were meeting and making their evil fuckin’ plans. They were involved in a trafficking ring, for fuck’s sake. They couldn’t do that shit solo. Somebody was pulling their strings, there was a hierarchy at play, and Henderson was the puppet master.
“How’s Elise doin’?” Bowie asked.
“Okay,” I replied. “Sophie said she was actin’ like it was a normal day at the office.”
He sat forward, looking me dead in the eyes. “Spoke to Doe. We agreed Elise has got my marker for life. She’s ours, and she’s our kids'.”
“She’s mine first,” I argued.
Atlas let out an incredulous snort. “Think you’re both forgettin’ somethin’. She’s my family.”
“How did we get to the point where we’re fighting over the mayor’s ex-wife?” Cash contemplated. “A few months ago, she wasn’t even on our radar.”
“She’s been on Pop’s radar for thirty years,” Breaker murmured.
“But we didn’t have a Scooby-Doo about it,” Cash responded.
“What the fuck’s Scooby-Doo gotta do with anything?” I asked, confusion filling my tone.
“Scooby-Doo rhymes with clue,” he told me. “It’s a play on words.”
My head reared back. “Why you gotta talk about fuckin’ cartoon characters? Just say clue, will ya?” I shook my head, frustrated. “It’s goddamned weird. Bandit would take you to task for this bullshit. Just as well he’s down there whooping it up and keepin’ toasty warm.” I nodded toward the floor.
Cash barked a laugh.
Bowie’s stare hit the floor, and he grimaced.
“Amen,” Breaker muttered. “There ain’t no other place that old bastard would rest. Bet he feels right at home with Satan. Knowin’ my grandpop, they’re best buds.”
Cash chuckled. “Bandit’s probably a bad influence on Satan.”
Bowie sat back in his chair, smirking. “Ain’t that the truth.”
I jumped slightly as I heard the click of the locks disengaging.
My heart raced at the prospect of seeing Elise, especially after she’d been shot. The fact she stopped my grandbaby from getting hurt made me wanna take her in my arms and never let her go. I wasn’t sure I could continue keeping myself at a distance, whether she liked it or not.
I didn’t want to.
Abe strolled into the room, followed by Elise.