Page 84 of Dagger

She called me Mom.

I smiled, still watching the corridor where Sophie had disappeared, deep in thought and sending a prayer of thanks up to the heavens just because Sophie was in my life.

“Are you okay?” Adele asked quietly.

I beamed. “She called me Mom.”

“Was that the first time?” Dell inquired.

I turned my head to look at her. “She’s said ‘my mom’ in passing to other people, but yeah, that’s the first time she’s addressed me as such.”

“It’s beautiful,” Adele whispered, her eyes welling up.

Moisture filled my eyes, too. “Yeah. It’s one of the best moments of my life.”

“There could be more, you know—more beautiful moments. I know your heart’s broken, Elise, but it could mend if you let John in.”

“I don’t know if I can,” I admitted.

Adele took my hand. “What’s crazy to me is that you think you’re so broken, when really, you’re full of light. I wish you could see what I see.”

My eyebrows pulled together, and I stared at her curiously.

“I see a woman who protected her daughter so damned fiercely that she lived with a man worse than an animal for years just to find her. I see strength and intelligence, because instead of lying down and taking what he dished out, you stood tall and did something about it. I see a woman who watched the love of her life exist without her, though honestly, between you and me, he never got over you. It breaks my heart even to imagine it.”

“I lethimmanipulate me,” I protested. “It was so easy for Robert to trap me; it’s embarrassing.”

“You were a young girl, alone, pregnant, and grieving. When I discovered I was pregnant, I came straight to John for help. Does that make me weak?”

“No,” I said, my tone adamant.

“You did the same, but John wasn’t there, so you took help from somebody who made you trust him and then screwed you over. We’re no different from each other, except now, you have to choose whether you continue to let your ex control your life or if you’re going to take a chance on being happy. I’d choose happy all day long—hell, I did when I left to be with Tim. The only thing stopping you from getting everything you always wanted is you.”

“I don’t know how to be what he needs,” I told her, speaking from the heart. “I’m not the girl he knew anymore.”

Adele grinned. “That’s alright. You don’t need to be what he needs because you’re who he wants.”

I bit my lip, grimacing slightly. “John hasn’t been near me in weeks. I’ve turned him down so many times I think he’s given up on me.”

She rolled her eyes. “He’s giving you space, but believe me, when John finds out about that,” she nodded toward my wound, “he’ll lose his mind. Make the most of the peace because it’s gonna stop overnight. Mark my words; by this time tomorrow, he’ll be driving you batshit crazy.”

“It’s the wedding tomorrow,” I reminded her.

“I know,” she waggled her eyebrows, “and we all know how romantic weddings are.”

My heart skipped a beat.

Adele was right. Weddings were notoriously romantic. If there were ever a time John would make a move, it would be then.

“I think I need a drink,” I declared.

Adele laughed. “Tomorrow, we’ll get you drunk, and it will be easier for John to get his wicked way with you. Then everyone’s a winner.”

“Oh my God,” I muttered.

She laughed again. “It’s okay, Duchess. We’ll look after you.”

I sent a glare her way. “Yeah, Adele. That, my friend, is exactly what I’m afraid of.”