Bowie shrugged. “He was only funnin’ around.”
His ol’ lady’s eyes narrowed on the SAA.
“Jesus, Dan,” Sophie murmured as she got to her feet. “It’s bad enough you and Cash play fighting like you’re ten-year-olds, but then you fall even lower by starting shit with a child, and get your ass kicked. I can’tbelieveyou.”
“Well, I can’t exactly hit her back, can I, woman?” Atlas muttered from the floor.
Cash barked a laugh.
I guffawed.
Abe snorted. “She’d probably kick your ass if you tried—again.”
I exchanged a look with my bud, my lips twitching like a motherfucker.
Roars of laughter, hoots, and hollers filled the air as the rest of the men began to give Atlas some shit.
Gingerly, my SAA got to his feet, testing his weight on his knee, and winced.
Just then, my cell phone pinged. My throat went dry as the sound of multiple notifications filled the room.
Immediately, I knew something was wrong.
I glanced at Atlas, who was going for his phone, his lips set in an angry line. My heart gave a hard thud, and I pulled my cell from my pocket and read the one word typed in capitals on the screen.
My head shot up as the sound of a single gunshot permeated the walls.
What the fuck?
“Weapons out!” Atlas ordered. “We’re hittin’ the parking lot, but wait for the command.” He turned to Soph. “Women and kids down the Cell, now. Don’t come up until I tell you it’s safe for—” He was interrupted by a beam of sunlight illuminating the room as some of the men burst outside. “Get that fuckin’ door closed,” he bellowed.
Screams and shouts went up as gunfire hit the bar from outside.
My heart plummeted as bodies dived for cover.
The men at the door hit the deck—or maybe were put down by a bullet, and within seconds, the place turned into utter chaos. Men leaped to their feet and jostled into position by the windows. Shouts and orders filled the air, drowning out the women’s screams as the brothers yelled instructions to each other. Then, the deafening booms of gunshots sounded as the Demons began to return fire.
Reaching for my weapon, I turned to run toward the window, but I felt something tug at my jeans. I looked down to see Sunny and Kady at my legs.
“Granddaddy John,” Sunny whimpered. “I’m scared.”
My skin began to itch at the mere thought of the fuckers outside putting my babies at risk, but instead of hulking out, I crouched down, my hand going to Sunny’s back to pull her in safe. “Where’s your mom?” I asked as if to myself. “She needs to get you outta here.”
My eyes fell on the women all crouched behind a table, protecting themselves from the gunfire, but no Layla. Frantically, I searched among the tables and chairs scattered across the floor until I spied my daughter-in-law crawling toward us. “Sunny,” she shrieked.
“Stay back, Layla,” I cautioned. “Take cover.” As the words left my mouth, another round of loud gunfire exploded through the still-open door.
Suddenly, a figure pushed me out of the way. I let out an “oof” as I fell onto my ass from my crouching position. My head jerked up to see Leesy shielding Sunny and Kady with her body, bullets flying all around her.
“Get down, woman,” I roared, heart racing at the thought of Elise or Sunny getting shot.
Mouth agape, I took in Leesy as she dived for the floor, a hand covering each of the girls’ heads to protect them as they hit the deck.
“Get the door shut, John,” Elise yelled, a split second after they landed. “We’re sitting ducks.”
“Stay the fuck down,” I commanded, getting to my hands and knees. With one last glance back to check Leesy and Sunny were safe, I began to crawl toward the goddamned door, which was swinging in the breeze.