Page 73 of Dagger

“Fat ass,” Cash bandied back.

“Psycho,” Atlas retorted.

Cash laughed before crowing, “Abnormal dick.”

My lips twitched at Atlas’s shocked expression.

“I can’t believe you fuckin’ went there,” my SAA said accusingly.

Cash shrugged. “It’s like a third fuckin’ leg, and what do you expect when you give all of us constant shit? If you’re gonna give it, you gotta learn to take it.”

Atlas sniffed. “Thought you were my bud.”

Cash leaned toward Atlas and tried to get him in a headlock, except Atlas—who moved quick for a big guy—side-stepped, and managed to get Cash’s head under his beefy, muscular arm instead.

“Surrender!” he bellowed.

Bowie barked a laugh.

Breaker shook his head, smiling.

I chuckled.

Cash let out a long whine, and he began to struggle, shouting, “Fuck you!”

“Now, now, now,” Atlas reprimanded, digging his knuckles into Cash’s head. “There’s kids present.”

Cash cursed loudly.

A high-pitched squeal sounded, and as if on cue, Sunny and Kady bounded over with Jolly Batman bouncing around Sunny’s feet, his tail swishing back and forth.

My little Sunshine’s eyes shone at the prospect of a play fight. She looked at Kady and breathed, “Oh my Gods,” as she clapped her hands excitedly, “Assless. Are you gon’ kicks Uncle Cash’s ass? Can I fights, too?” She brought her fists up in front of her face and moved into a cute little defensive position. “Look, Auntie Soph teached me.”

Bowie closed his eyes and shook his head with exasperation. “Don’t say ass, Sunny. Your mom’ll flip.”

Cash tried to wriggle out of Atlas’s hold, but the big man held on tight.

“Save me, Sunny,” Xan wailed, trying to land a kick on the SAA’s leg. “He’s hurting me.”

Sunny scowled, punched her hands to her hips, and demanded, “Gets off him, Assless. You’re a big, fat meanie.”

“He started it, Sunshine,” the big man boomed. “Cashy baby was bein’ a di—an asshol–err, he was bein’ a douche.”

“But you can’t hurts him,” Sunny argued, stomping toward the guys and resuming her defensive stance. “You’re fatter than him, and you mights make him cry.”

Kady’s eyes rounded.

Bowie stifled his chuckle with his hand.

I barked a laugh.

“That’s it, Sunny, you tell him,” Cash called over, his voice muffled by Atlas’s meaty hand across his face. “He’s a big ol’ bully. You gonna save your uncle Cash’s life?”

Atlas pulled Cash’s neck a bit tighter, and he crowed, “Tell me I’m the mighty master, and I rule the world.” Looking over at Sunny, he shot her a mean look. “Or I’ll kick your skinny ass, and then it’s Sunny Sunshine’s turn and her mangy mutt.”

Kady’s jaw dropped.

Sunny let out a shocked gasp, her grey eyes going huge. “Oh my Gods. You’re dispicitable.”