Page 72 of Dagger

The day I walked into Colt’s room and saw him with Freya was a blur. His betrayal flipped a switch inside me and took me back to the time Iris was snatched. Back when it happened, I swore my daughter would never be subjected to danger. I made a vow that she’d never know what it was like to be violated and abused because she was part of an MC.

I loved and respected my men, but I knew if Freya ended up with one of them, she’d always have the threat of danger in her life. The thought of her being hurt, the same way Iris was, made my blood run cold.

My youngest was beautiful and so damned smart she even intimidated me sometimes. I wanted her to live a life where she was free and clear of MC bullshit, but it blinded me from seeing Freya’s wants and needs.

And that was where I fell down on the one job that was more important than being an MC prez.

Being a father.

I bent my neck to regard Freya. “I’m sorry I made it so you couldn’t tell me, sweetheart.”

She blinked. “Who is this John Stone who keeps apologizing to people? I’ve heard you say sorry more times in the last few weeks than I have in a lifetime.”

“A man’s never too old to learn lessons,” I advised her gravely, dipping my chin again. “When do ya think you’ll get married?”

“We don’t know yet,” she replied wistfully. “We’re in no rush. I don’t have time to plan a wedding at the moment because my internship is so full-on. Caroline, Colt’s mom, said she would do it for us, but her idea of a wedding and mine are very different. She’d jet five hundred people out to Lake Como for the society wedding of the year if she had her way, if only to stick it to Colt’s dad.”

“I wanna pay, Freya,” I insisted. “It’s tradition for a father to drop some cash on his daughter’s wedding.”

Freya’s eyes rounded. “Huh?”

“I didn’t deal with it well, but I’ve had time to think. You could do a lot worse than Colt. I’m pig-headed, but you’re my only daughter, and I love ya, Frey. Have the wedding you want. I’ll pick up the tab.”

She gazed up at me, her mouth gaping slightly.

I couldn’t blame her for being shocked. I’d done a complete one-eighty in a matter of months. One minute, I was half-killing her boyfriend, the next minute, asking to pay for their wedding.

I’d had time to think and came to the conclusion that if I wanted Freya in my life, I’d have to accept her relationship.

Colt had given up his patch for my girl, so his devotion to her wasn’t in question. Even I’d noticed her lifelong crush on him, and it had always been clear how much he admired and respected her, too. I hated to admit it, but they suited each other. Both of them were so fucking smart they made my head spin. They challenged each other, and for Freya and Colt and their big ol’ brains, being challenged was their love language.

Having Leesy around for the last few weeks made me understand how empty life could be without the person you loved, and so help me, I didn’t want that for my Freya. Not one fiber of my being wanted my daughter to live half a life yearning for the one person who made her whole. And if it was the same for Stone women as it was for the men, she’d love Colt hard, fast, and forever.

Freya’s eyes softened. “Thank you. I think I want an old-fashioned club wedding. I’ll talk to Colt, and when we’ve decided for sure, I’ll let you know.” She rolled up on her toes and kissed my cheek before stepping back and returning to her seat.

My eyes followed her, a small smile playing around my mouth.

“Yo, Prez,” Atlas’s voice boomed from the bar. “We gonna go light the grill any time soon? My stomach feels like my throat’s been goddamned cut.”

Turning on my heel, I sauntered toward the officers who were shooting the shit with Billy as he popped the tops off bottles of beer before sliding them across the counter.

He gave me a chin lift as I approached, holding a bottle out toward me. “This one’s extra cold, boss. It’s got your name on it.”

I took it and immediately raised it to my mouth, taking a deep pull. Lowering the bottle, I smacked my lips and sighed with appreciation. “Thanks, Prospect.”

Cash jerked his chin toward the table where Elise and his mom were chatting like long-lost sisters. “What’s goin’ on there?”

My eyes followed his. “Son, your guess is as good as mine.”

“Knowing Mom the way I do, she’s probably layin’ it out,” Bowie muttered.

“Yeah,” I concurred. “That’s what I’m damned well afraid of. Adele’s gotta mouth on her; she’ll have Elise runnin’ for the door any second now.”

Cash chuckled. “S’okay, Pop. I’ll tackle your woman to the floor.”

“Good luck with that,” Breaker interjected. “She’ll kick your ass.”

“And I’ll fuckin’ help her,” Atlas told him, eyes hardening on my eldest. “What ya talkin’ like that for, ya little scrotum. Tackle my ma-in-law, and I’ll tackle your skinny ass right on back.” He narrowed his eyes on Cash, muttering, “Fucknut,” under his breath.