“Don't get excited,” Kit advised it. “We don’t want a big shindig. Me and Kitten spoke had a chat and decided it was too dangerous to go out partying. We thought a family barbecue would be good. We want the kids with us when we celebrate. They’re as much a part of our journey as me and Kennedy.”
I must’ve been going soft in my old age because, yet again, tears sprang to my eyes, but that time, they represented pride for my son and what he’d achieved. Maybe I’d never get the woman who fitted me perfectly, but I was happy my boys had succeeded where I’d failed.
“I think that’s a great idea,” I assured him.
Breaker smiled. “Maybe you could try to get to know Elise better at the party. She’ll be relaxed and more open, right?”
Atlas cleared his throat. “Wait up. I still haven’t decided if you’re worthy.”
The boys snickered.
I sighed. “Give it a rest, fat ass.”
The SAA’s eyebrows hit his hairline. “Keep tellin’ ya. My ass ain’t fat. I’m big-boned.”
“You ain’t got no bones in your ass,” I pointed out.
“It’s muscle,” he argued.
“It’s blubber,” I corrected.
Atlas raised a finger to point at me. “Right, I’ve decided. It’s a nay. You’re not startin’ somethin’ with my ma-in-law.” He sniffed disdainfully. “You’re mean as fuck.”
I grinned. “You’re a fuckin’ baby. You wind every fucker in the clubhouse up, then whine when somebody gives it back. I’m not stayin’ away from Elise. You’ll just have to deal.”
He pouted. “Nuh-uh.”
My grin widened. “She’s mine.”
“Nope,” Atlas protested. “She’s mine, Belle’s, and Stitch’s.”
“And mine,” I reiterated.
“Jesus,” Abe muttered. “It’s like two kids fightin’ over a shiny new toy.”
I took in Atlas, sitting there with a scowl on his face, and a spark of determination lit inside my gut.
Admittedly, I understood his reservations; I hadn’t treated Elise the way she deserved. I’d left her to deal with some heinous shit, stuff that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, let alone the woman I loved.
But seeing the ring changed everything.
Bowie was right; she wouldn't have kept it all those years if she didn’t care. I’d kept the arrowhead because a part of me couldn't let my girl go, even though I was married to somebody else and she gave birth to my kids. Elise had been a part of me for more than thirty years, and now it seemed I’d been a part of her, too.
I’d spend the rest of my life making up for not believing in her, and if Atlas thought he was gonna stop me, he was in for a rude awakening.
It was game on.
Chapter Twelve
Leaning toward the mirror, I slicked some gloss across my lips and stood back to admire my handiwork.
I was about to go outside to join everybody for Kennedy and Kit’s party to celebrate their wedding, and my stomach was jumping with nerves.
Adele and Freya had arrived at the clubhouse earlier that day, ready for a weekend of wedding festivities. I’d been avoiding the bar like the plague because I was so nervous about the reception I’d get. Adele wasn’t exactly a friend of mine, but I liked her, and we’d come to an understanding a long time ago. I’d never wanted to encroach on her marriage, and had stayed out of it, even when gossip in town about their marriage was rife.
The last thing I wanted Adele to think was that I was trying to replace her.