Page 26 of Dagger

“Want you both to stay away until all the bullshit with the mayor and the Sinners has passed. Freya, I’m gonna call Drix and arrange a security detail while Colt’s here. Henderson’s out for blood, don’t want him spillin’ yours.”

“I’m not staying away from Kit’s wedding,” Adele warned.

My lips thinned. “If things get bad, you may have to.”

“John!” she snapped.

I breathed hard through my nose and shook my head. “Okay. Leave it with me; I’ll sort somethin’, okay?”

“You better,” she warned me.

Dipping my chin, I bade my ex-wife and daughter goodbye, sitting back as Breaker disconnected the call.

My elbows hit the table, and I rubbed at my temples.

Shit was getting real with the mayor and the Sinners. The club was on the brink of war, and I already had a gaggle of women and kids to worry about. The last thing I wanted was Adele, and especially Freya, amongst the danger, but what could I do? Dell had every right to see her son get married and Freya her brother.

Adele was happy with her dude, and I knew she’d be happy for me if I managed to get Elise back, but I didn't want Leesy to feel awkward. She’d been through enough, and I had to tread carefully. More than anything, I wanted her to be happy at the club, so I needed to ensure she felt comfortable.

Atlas looked at each of us around the table, his mouth set in a thin line of displeasure. “We need to meet with Elise, Colt, and Stafford. Seems my ma-in-law’s a lot more involved than we suspected.” He nodded toward the bar. “She’s out there now, running the show, which means she’s in more danger than we initially thought. She’s at the center of their investigation, their key witness. Henderson’ll be gunning for her.”

“Fuck!” I spat, scraping a hand down my face.

“She’ll be the first one he tries to take out,” Cash murmured thoughtfully.

All the good vibes I felt from the call seeped out of me and my body stiffened with the need to punch someone, namely Robert Henderson.

I’d kill him before I let him hurt her again.

Tamping down the fire razing my chest, I pulled air in through my nose and rasped, “Get ‘em in here.”

Atlas nodded, turned on his heel, and stalked through the door.

My boys all turned to me with expectant eyes.

“Not long ago, I thought about retirin’, takin’ my bike, and goin’ on a road trip,” I mused. “Wishful fuckin’ thinking.”

“You can’t go now,” Cash protested.

“I’ve got an even bigger reason to fuck off,” I retorted. “I’m too damned old for war. The Sinners are on Henderfuck’s payroll, and Hambleton’s about to turn into the Wild-fuckin-West.”

Abe got up to grab three chairs from a stack in the corner, setting them out. “You’re right. How ‘bout we take our women, get the fuck outta town, and leave these assholes to it? Always said club wars were for the young and stupid. I ain’t either of those things.”

“Paid my damned dues,” I muttered.

Abe hauled his ass back into his seat. “Same.”

“I had Thrash all tied up in a neat bow,” I declared. “Just our luck that he kicks the bucket and leaves us to deal with his lunatic devil spawn.”

Kit waved a nonchalant hand. “It’ll be fine. We’ll track Bear down, and I’ll blow him up.”

“Count me in on that,” Atlas said, appearing in the doorway and standing to one side to usher Elise, Stafford, and Colt into the room. He cleared his throat as he watched them sit on the chairs opposite us that Abe had brought through. “But let’s talk tactics when we don’t got Feds in the house.” He closed the door and made his way around to the table to take his seat.

My eyes fell on Elise, and green met gold.

My body hummed with a swell of emotion.

Leesy was as pretty as she was when she was eighteen, in fact, probably even more so. However, I could make out the lines of pain and exhaustion etched around her mouth. She’d been through hell and was still standing strong. Shame on Bandit for believing she couldn’t handle club life, and shame on me for listening to his bullshit.