Page 25 of Dagger

“Yeah,” I agreed. “You are, too. You get it from me, along with those gorgeous looks and sharp brains. People like us gotta have a flaw or two, Princess, or it wouldn’t be fair on the stupid, ugly ones like your brothers.”

Cash let out a chuckle.

Freya’s lips twitched. “Cut it out, Pop. I’m supposed to be mad at you.”

“Love you, Princess,” I murmured.

“Love you, too,” she said grudgingly. “But it’s gonna take some time for me to forgive you completely.”

“Fair enough.” I cocked my head. “How’s Virginia?”

“Eventful,” she replied. “The guys here make the Wyoming chapter look like choirboys. Women parade in and out like it’s a brothel, and the guys have so much pent-up energy that they’re always up to no good. I’ve stopped so many fights that I should get paid danger money.”

I raised a hand to rub my chin. “Ex-military boys have a lotta demons, Frey. If it gets too rough and tumble, I want you to stop hangin’ around ‘em.”

She nodded slowly. “Colt says the same thing, but they’re great guys. Our house is a few miles away from the club, and Colt’s mom and sisters are around to help out, too. I get a break if I need it, and anyways, I’m usually working, so I’m not around too much.”

“How’s the hospital goin’, Sis?” Cash asked.

“Amazing!” Freya beamed. “I love it there. I’m the only trauma intern, so I’m learning on the job and already doing minor surgeries. Sophie steered me well.” She shook her head disbelievingly. “I still can’t believe she’s my half-sister. I always felt a closeness to her; now I know why.”

“Glad you feel that way,” I murmured. “Think we all felt a connection to her in some way. Hell, Soph saved Bowie’s life a couple of years back. She had no idea it was her brother lying on the operating table.” I caught my ex-wife’s gaze lower, and my gut panged. “Sorry. Dell. This must be weird for you.”

“I was shocked at first,” she admitted. “But Sophie was born before we were together. And I got to thinking, it must’ve been difficult for Elise to watch us raise our babies when, all along, hers was taken. It must’ve broken her heart, John, especially when you’ve been such a great dad to our kids.” She shot me a sad smile. “Have you thought about what happens next?”

I held her gaze. “I try to make up for lost time.”

“With Sophie or Elise?” she asked gently.


Adele smiled. “Honestly, I thought you would’ve made a play for Elise after we got divorced. I’m shocked it’s taken you this long.”

My heart squeezed painfully.

When me and Adele got married, I told her I’d do my best to protect her and make her happy, but I’d never be in love with her. I had the feeling in the early years that she thought I’d fall, and I worried that she felt more for me than I did for her. Hurting her was never my intention because I loved her, but it wasn’t the kind of love she deserved, which was why she left.

“Dell—” I croaked, wanting to apologize—even try to explain—but she held up a hand to stop me.

“I didn’t divorce you so you’d be alone for the rest of your life, John. We made a deal more than thirty years ago, and I’m glad you stuck to it. I was happy for a long time. You gave me a nice life and beautiful babies, but Tim sets my soul on fire. I’ve got my one, now go get yours.”

My ex-wife’s words floored me. All this woman ever did was remind me of the reasons I married her.

“You’re a good woman, Dell.” A huge smile split my face, and I croaked, “Fuckin’ splendiferous, babe.”

She laughed, deep and throaty. “I know, and you’re a good man—” she paused and gave a slight grin, “—mostly.”

Freya chuckled.

I sighed, muttering, “Fuckin’ women, givin’ me constant lip.”

Cash laughed. “We wouldn’t have ‘em any other way.”

I opened my mouth to agree but was interrupted by a loud banging on the door. “It’s me and Abe, Prez,” Atlas’s voice boomed.

“Get in here!” I turned back to the screen. “Sorry. Gotta go. We good now?”

“I wouldn’t say good, but we’re better,” Adele assured me.