Our eyes locked. Gold met green, and my heart fluttered in my chest.
John approached with his hand held out to me. “You ready for an adventure, Duchess?”
Unable to tear my gaze from his, I nodded, placing my fingers in his.
He shot me the same handsome grin I’d loved since I was a young girl with stars in my eyes, then I smiled as my man slid his arm across my shoulders, pulling me close to him as we walked out together.
When we reached the main doors, I felt John hesitate.
Slowly, he turned and grinned at the entire room.
Craning my neck, I caught Sophie’s eyes, and my stomach jerked when I saw tears streaming down her face. I love you,she mouthed.
I love you, I mouthed back, my breath hitching from the pain shooting through my chest. Swallowing the emotion clogging my throat, I turned back for the door, and we walked outside into the warm sunshine.
John’s body stilled, and I looked up, the knot in my stomach unraveling at the sight before us.
Abe stood next to a new silver Chevy Silverado with his arm slung across Iris’s shoulders. “Jesus Christ, John. What the fuck you been doin’? Cryin’ into your Cheerios? Get a damned grip,bro. My Rissy and I are in the mood for a road trip.” He shook his head, grinning. “Chop, chop. Don’t got all day.”
“Thought you weren’t leavin’ until the kids got sorted,” John called over.
Iris grimaced. “To be honest, John, Wilder’s worn me out. I don’t think I could take another day with him.”
“I knew it,”Cara’s voice yelled from behind the door of the clubhouse.“Cash, your demon spawn drove Mary fucking Poppins away!”
Abe choked out a laugh.
John chuckled.
My heart soared.
Abe dipped his chin. “We’re going to New York with you, then we’re driving down to Missouri so Iris can watch the first game of the season. Rissy’s crossing her fingers that Taylor will be there. She wants to send pictures to Kady and Sunshine. We may come over to San Diego and stay with you at the place you’ve rented, then head back with ya for the holidays.” He grinned. “That okay with you?”
John twisted his face to the side to look down at me. “What d’ya think, Duchess? We gonna let the old timers tag along?”
I laughed and nodded excitedly, feeling my heart swell with relief because I knew John would feel better if Abe and Iris left with us. Leaving his boys wouldn’t be such a blow if his brother was there to support him.
“Watch your mouth, John Stone.” Iris sniffed.
Abe pulled her toward the Silverado. “Come on, Rissy. Let’s get our asses outta here.”
John led me to his F150 and opened the passenger door, helping me up. The instant I sat, he hauled up and grabbed my seat belt, pulling it across me and securing it with a click.
My gaze lifted to meet his. “I love you, John Stone,” I murmured, my heart filling up with everything that was him. “You make my butterflies come alive.”
He grinned and bent his neck, nuzzling my nose with his. “Get used to it, Duchess,” he breathed. “Gonna make those little fuckers flap their wings every day for the rest of our lives.”
Pulling back, he jumped down, slammed my door closed, and jogged around the hood to the driver’s side. Then, pulling himself up, he settled in, and fastened his seat belt, turning his head right to address me. “So, baby,” he rumbled. “You ready to go on an adventure with me?”
A smile spread across my face, my eyes sliding to meet the beautiful golden orbs I’d loved since I was a girl. “I’m ready, Johnny.”
The engine fired up, and his hand reached toward the radio. “Springsteen or R.E.M?” he asked.
I grinned and gave him the only logical answer I could.
“Let’s go with Springsteen.”
He stabbed the controls, and the cab was suddenly filled with the opening bars of ‘Born to Run.’