“Mitch recommended a counselor in California,” I told him. “She’s taken Leesy on, so even if we stayed, her sessions would take place over FaceTime. We spoke to her briefly before I called you all in here, and she thinks a change of scene would be good for Elise. Her getting better isn’t dependent on her bein’ in Hambleton.” I nodded to my youngest. “Breaker did his initial healing in Grand Junction.”
“Being away helped me,” Kit declared. “I’m not sure I could’ve done it with everybody lookin’ in on me. Would’ve beenlike livin’ in a damned fish bowl. Space brings perspective, and I think space and time are what Elise needs right now.”
“Do you think we’re ready?” Cash asked from his chair, his bowed head lifting to look me in the eye. “It’s so soon, Pop.”
Placing my hands on the table, I leaned on it and angled my body toward my boy. “I wouldn’t leave you swingin’, Cash. You’re ready. You’ve been ready for a while. It’s time for the Speed Demons to evolve, and it won’t happen with me at the helm.”
“Won’t be the same without you, Pop,” Bowie drawled from the corner. “But I get it.”
Abe pushed forward from his chair, elbows to the table. “I’m calling a full member Church for Wednesday. Prez will pass the gavel on, say farewell, and ride off into the sunset.”
“Thanks, Abe.” I grinned huge, looking each officer in the eye before asking them for the very last time, “Any other business?”
“Off you fuck then, boys,” I ordered, my eyes sliding to my oldest. “You sit tight.”
Chairs scraped against wood as the men got to their feet and headed to the door.
My stare fell on Cash, noting how his skin had turned grey throughout the meeting. By the time the boys left, I thought he’d puke.
I’d thrown the poor fucker in at the deep end, but I knew he’d swim and save himself. If Cash wasn’t ready to take the gavel, I would’ve asked to borrow Nate Hollister from Hendrix while I was away and put him in charge.
The fact was, Cash had passed every test I’d set him. He thought outside the box and was more creative than me. My tactical training was rigid in the Marines. Cash’s training was prison. Firing that AT4 was a risk but a calculated one, and itworked a treat because he understood he had to stand back and let the expert at it.
Not every decision he made would be the right one. Still, the shit with the Sinners and Henderson was in our rearview. Cash had proven he was mature enough to listen to advice and weigh up the pros and cons, and the officers around him would help.
He just had to let them.
My son’s hand went to the back of his neck. “Don’t mind admittin’ I’m nervous, Pop. Thought I had more time to get to grips with it. Feel like I’m out at sea without a damned boat. I know it’s normal to feel that way, but somethin’s worryin’ me. Think I need some advice.”
My mouth hitched. “Shoot.”
“I gotta change some of the officer roles around; for example, I need a VP.”
“Right,” I agreed. “You’ve got some good men to choose from.”
“That’s the problem.” He sighed as if he felt the weight of the world on his shoulders. “Atlas is happy where he is—he already told me so. That leaves two men who stand out: Bowie and Breaker.”
His dilemma dawned on me. “Right, and you don’t wanna piss one of your brothers off.”
“Exactly,” he concurred.
I sat back in my chair and leveled him with a look. “Take the brother equation out of it, Cash. Who fits the role best?”
“Both do, but for different reasons. Me and Bo are closer; I think we’d work well together, and the team would be more cohesive. Breaker and I would butt heads, but then I think, maybe that’s a good thing. Abe challenges you, so maybe Breaker could be my Abe.”
“You’ve thought it out,” I mused. “Good. Now, my next question is: Where is your knowledge lacking, and whose experience, out of Bowie and Breaker, could fill that gap?”
Cash’s stare met mine.
He knew.
I think he knew before the meeting.
“You’ve got your answer.” I grinned. “Bowie won’t care, Cash. He’s happy busting heads with Atlas and spending all his free time with Layla and the kids. Kennedy has her career and her work with DV victims. Plus, Kai and Kady are older, and they hang out at the clubhouse anyway. You won’t be takin’ away from Breaker the same way you would if you picked Bowie.”
“What about tradition?” he asked. “It’s always been the oldest son of the oldest son.”