Page 177 of Dagger

“Dad!” Cash bellowed from the hallway.

Slowly, I slid my feet toward the door, turned the key, and pulled it ajar, all the while keeping my stare fixated on Elise. “It’s okay, Leesy,” I crooned soothingly. “It’s just Cash.”

Elise’s wild, green eyes lifted to the door, her head still violently shaking as she rocked back and forth, her cheek pressed to her knees.

The door opened wider, and I heard Cash curse under his breath. “Dad, your neck—”

“Get Sophie,” I ordered through clenched teeth, taking in Elise’s hard breaths.



The door closed, and with an aching heart, I saw that she’d rolled her body into a protective position. What the fuck was happening? It was like she thought she was somewhere else, and Henderson was hurting her.

“He’s not here, Duchess,” I murmured. “Look, it’s just you and me.”

Moving slowly to the bed, I switched the bedside lamp back on, allowing the dim light to cast across the room.

Leesy looked up, a confused expression washing over her face, and she breathed, “Where am I?”

“We’re at the compound, baby,” I assured her. “You’re safe. I won’t let anybody hurt you.”

“But he was here,” she insisted, continuing to rock backward and forward. “It was dark, and he touched me. He always came to me in the dark. I couldn’t stop it, John. He was too strong for me. I tried to fight, I did, but he was always too strong.”

My chest set alight, but I tamped down my rage and took a slow step toward her. “He won’t hurt you again, baby. I made sure of it.”

“But he was here,” she repeated confusedly. “He touched my shoulder.”

I took another step forward and stretched my arm out toward her. “Come here, baby. Take my hand. You’re safe with me.”

Her now dazed eyes locked with mine, and she held her trembling fingers out toward me.

My chest cracked open when I noticed her nails were all torn up. Instead of sobbing like a baby, I pushed the emotions down, and carefully, I touched my fingertips to hers. “See, baby? Nobody will hurt you.” I took another step forward, and my hand gently took hers. “Come to me, Duchess.”

Clasping her other hand, I swooped down, pulled her safely into my arms, and carried her over to the bed. “See? Nobody’s gonna hurt ya, baby. I’m here; I won’t let anything happen to ya.” I sank my ass onto the mattress, cuddling her into my body and rocking with her.

“Hey,” a soft voice murmured from the door.

Craning my neck, I saw Sophie move into the room with Atlas at her back.

The relief that washed through me was so palpable that my shoulders slumped.

“Cash said you were upset.” Sophie moved closer, dropping her medical bag on the floor beside the bed. “Thought I’d give you something to help you sleep.”

“What if Robert comes back?” Elise whispered, fear lacing her tone.

Soph’s eyes widened a fraction. “John will be here. He won’t leave you.” She motioned to the bed, waiting patiently while I laid Elise down, smoothing her damp hair back from her face before stepping back to allow Sophie to treat her.

My eyes stayed riveted to hers while Sophie swabbed her mom’s arm and gave her an injection. “That will relax you. Don’t fight it, Mom. Go to sleep.”

Elise nodded absentmindedly, her wide-eyed stare falling to my throat. “What happened to your neck?” she asked, her forehead furrowing. “It’s bleeding.”

My mind scrambled for something to say.

“Cat scratched him,” Atlas declared from behind me.

Elise’s eyes drooped sleepily. “Oh.”