My eyes slashed toward the window, and sure enough, a group of men were handing out weapons from the back of one of the vehicles. My mouth hitched at the same time as my gut leaped excitedly. I went back for the radio before returning to Bolt, my stare taking in every one of the fuckers’ moves.
Tex chuckled through the radio. “We gonna let them storm the place?”
I clicked the side button. “You know the plan, brother.”
I heard a squeak of laughter come from his throat. “Over and out.”
Three of Henderson’s commandos were at the gates, holding up an electrical device, which was designed to override our security. Any minute now, our gates would unlock, and the Burning Sinners would storm the compound.
Except the device was fake, our gates were already unlocked, and the commandos damned well knew it.
The gates suddenly swung open, and I watched the Sinners collectively storm through them, wielding their weapons. The gunshots that filled the air were as explosive as thunderclaps.
I turned to face the room, my heart warming at the sight before me.
Speed Demons stood with rifles and machine guns, wearing bullet-proof vests. We had triple the number of men than Bear did. Add on the boys on the roof, and we easily outnumbered the Sinners.
“Ready, boys?” I bellowed.
Roars and war cries filled the air.
I jerked my thumb toward the door. “Let’s fuckin’ go!”
Another roar went up, and every man rushed for the parking lot. Machine-gun fire exploded from the roof, the boys up there covering our asses as we streamed outside. Cries and screams went up as bullets peppered the first wave of Sinners, who were immediately taken by surprise.
Within seconds, the parking lot had turned into carnage. Non-stop gunfire filled the air as if it was the fourth of July and a thousand fireworks had been lit. Men were in hand-to-hand combat, and screams and cries assaulted my ears, along with the sound of flesh pounding flesh.
One of our men beside me was hit by an enemy bullet. He cried out in pain and sank to the ground.
Heart plummeting, I tucked my knife into the back of my belt, and my knees hit the asphalt, my hand going straight to my brother’s torso, checking for a hit. I felt a small dent in his vest and winced. Poor fucker would have a big ol’ bruise there tomorrow, but it was better than death… just.
A hand grabbed the back of my shirt, and my teeth clenched as I was hauled to my feet, and a fist landed in my kidney.
Whirling around, I saw a big, ugly fucker with a bald, wrinkly head about to land a crack across my jaw.
Quickly, I ducked and followed through with a jab to his stomach. But was he was so fat the impact probably didn’teven register. He came at me again, and I spun around, his fist narrowly missing my ear, and I stepped to his back.
Bringing my foot up, I booted the back of his knee and watched him crumple to the ground. I dived on him, straddling his huge chest, and wrapped my fingers around his throat, squeezing hard. The Sinner’s eyes bulged as he began to choke. Somehow, he managed to get his hand on my shoulder and tossed me away.
I stood and almost laughed as I watched him struggle to get up, his size hindering his movements. I waited until he got into a crouch, pulled my leg back again, and kicked hard in the jaw. A couple of bloody teeth flew out of his mouth, and he dropped back down.
I sank to my knees and threw one leg over his chest again to straddle him. I cocked an arm back and landed a hard blow to his face, then another to the side of his jaw, making his head loll to one side.
Staggering to my feet, I pulled my gun out from my belt, aimed at his shoulder, and fired before aiming at his other shoulder and squeezing the trigger again.
His body jerked twice, and he let out a pained yell.
I lowered to my haunches, checked his pockets for weapons, and discovered a Colt M1911 and a military-issue knife. After I pocketed them, I stood, drew my foot back again, and landed my boot across his temple.
A bullet whistled past my head, and my soul left my goddamned body for a second.
Grabbing my Ruger, I aimed toward a group of Sinners firing on us from behind the gate, popping three rounds off.
Two Sinners went down, and the other one spotted me and aimed.
I felt my soul prepare to fuck off again when a gun fired from the clubhouse directly behind me.