Page 141 of Dagger

I grinned, pulled my hand back, and gave Leesy a gentle swat on the ass. “Go inside, baby. I gotta lay a few out for my SAA.”

Elise shook her head good-naturedly. “When you two have finished your pissing contest, make sure you both come and say goodbye before you ride off to war on your metal horses.”

I turned my face and kissed the top of her head. “Won’t be long.”

She looked between us briefly. “I’ll make sure there’s fresh coffee,” she murmured before turning on her heel and sashaying toward the clubhouse, her ass swinging as she went.

My cock gave a jump for the hundredth time that night. I reached down and adjusted the crotch of my jeans.

“Do you fuckin’ have to?” Atlas cried, his hands going to his neck while he balked. “Jesus Christ, I just threw up in my mouth a lil’ bit.”

“I may not have fucked for a while, At,” I drawled. “But my dick hasn’t dropped off. All night, she’s been getting me hard. I swear to God, I thought my cock would punch through my jeans at one point.”

Atlas coughed, his eyes watering. “Shut the fuck up,” he spat.

I smirked. “I’m fifty-five, not five hundred. The little soldier still stands to attention, brother.”

Atlas bent double and balked again.

“So, do I get your blessing?” I asked, clapping his shoulder. “Not that it matters; I’m prez, and I do what I want, when I want. Sophie’s my girl, and Leesy’s her mother. It’s only right we get it together. Been a long time comin’, bro.”

Atlas stood straight, his black eyes squinting. “Rules is rules.”

“I’m prez,” I reminded him. “I make the rules, and I break ‘em, too.”

“Oh, I get it,” he drawled. “One rule for you, one for everybody else.”

I chuckled. “Yep.” Atlas opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. “We need to talk business. The boys’ll be arriving to ride out soon.” I jerked my thumb toward the clubhouse. “You been down the basement to get weapons and ammo?”

A slow grin spread across his face, and he rubbed his hands together excitedly. “Yip. Got somethin’ special to take with us, too. I may or may not have gotten my grubby hands on an AT4.”

My head reared back. “How the fuck did you get an anti-tank missile system.”

He shot me a wink. “She came all the way from France, called her Antoinette, Nettie for short, and she’s all shiny and pretty.Can’t wait to get the sexy bitch on my shoulder and watch their clubhouse go boom.”

I scraped a disbelieving hand down my face. “Jesus Christ. This is supposed to be a stealth mission, Atlas, not Call of fuckin’ Duty. AT4s are designed to take down tanks, small planes, and helicopters. If we fire that fuckin’ thing, we’ll take out half of Mapletree.”

Atlas grinned. “Yip.”

“We’re goin’ in covert,” I stated. “Are you fuckin’ crazy?”

The door of the clubhouse slammed at my back, and Atlas’s stare settled over my shoulder. “Yo, Break, come ‘ere.”

I glanced over my shoulder to see my youngest boy sauntering toward us.

“You two havin’ a fuckin’ seniors’ meetin’?” he called over. “We’re tryin’a sort out who’s taking what weapons, and you two are out here gossiping like bitches.”

“I’m claimin’ the AT4,” Atlas yelled, his eyes shining,

Breaker approached us, deadpanning. “I told ya, Atlas. You can’t take a goddamned AT4 on a covert mission. As far as I’m aware, the Sinners don’t have tanks and birds. If you let that motherfucker off, you'll blow up half of Mapletree.”

“That’s what I said,” I interjected.

Breaker jerked his thumb toward Atlas, his eyes on me. “He thinks he’s the fuckin’ Terminator.”

“Do not,” Atlas countered.

“Not arguing with ya,” Breaker declared. “If you don’t go inside and pick out what you need, the others will get the good hardware, and then you’ll whine ‘cause you’ve missed out.”