Page 125 of Dagger

As soon as her son was safe in my arms, she whispered, “Cover me.”

I took a step to shield her body, watching her hand slide toward the diaper bag, which was hitched over her shoulder. “No, Layla,” I protested, heart in mouth. “It’s too dangerous.”

“The van,” she muttered, holding the gun down next to her thigh. “Hendrix is driving it. Get ready and run for cover. Take my boys, grab my girls, and keep them safe.”


She looked at me, tears filling her eyes. “Go to the others and warn them—”

A deafening bang ricocheted through the air, and I watched, eerily fascinated, as a black hole appeared between the eyes of the Sinner standing with Shotgun. Blood exploded from the back of his skull, then he sunk to the floor.

Shotgun stared at him, then he looked around urgently, his face reddening as four men jumped from the back of the van and began shooting at the Sinners.

“Take cover!” I bellowed as more gunshots peppered the air. I ran for the women, holding a baby in the crook of each arm. “Get behind the cars.”

Every ol’ lady grabbed a kid, some two, and sprinted for the SUVs.

I followed, crouching down the minute I got behind the vehicle as more gunshots rang in my ears. “Take the boys,” I yelled. “Somebody take the boys.”

Sera and Iris dived for me, both grabbing a screaming baby.

“Layla’s out there,” I told Iris. “Keep the kids safe and stay covered.” Without a thought, I jumped to my feet and raced from the back of the vehicle, heading toward Layla. My steps faltered at the sight before me.

Layla stood with her feet planted apart and her hands up in front of her, pointing the weapon at Shotgun. “On your knees, hands behind your head,” she called out in a clear voice.

Shot took a step toward her, his eyes never leaving Layla’s.

“Last chance,” she warned.

He took another step. “You won’t shoot me.”

Layla squeezed the trigger, and a loud bang sounded.

Shotgun yelled out in pain, blood pooling at the shoulder of his tee. “Bitch,” he bellowed.

Another gunshot cracked through the air, and Shot fell to his knees, blood oozing into the tee on his other shoulder.

“You killed Ashley!” Layla shrieked, firing the gun again.

The unexpected loud boom made me jump five feet in the air.

Shotgun let out a loud “Oof” and doubled over as blood appeared on the left side of his stomach. “Kill me,” he ordered, his voice rough with pain. “Fuckin’ do it.”

“I’m not killing you,” she bit out. “I’m giving you to John, and I hope he gives you to Fender. You killed Maze, and you fucking murdered Ashley. Fender’s your brother, Shot. Why would you do that? Why would you hurt her?”

I realized then that the shooting had stopped.

Whirling around, my eyes rounded when I saw all of the Sinners were laid face down on the road, hog-tied. Hendrix’s men moved in and took control within seconds of jumping from the van.

When Robert’s commandos turned up at the compound, I was half-impressed that he’d managed to recruit men who knew what they were doing. Except now that I’d seen these soldiers, they made Robert’s men look like amateurs.

All tall, built, and all wearing jeans and khaki military-issue tees under their cuts, I almost swooned like a Victorian lady with her corset pulled too tight. My head whipped around at thesound of a yelled greeting, and my mouth fell open as another guy sauntered from the field behind us, carrying a long rifle.

“Nice shootin’, Layla,” Hendrix shouted over.

She almost preened. “I’ve been practicing.”

He waggled his eyebrows. “I see that.”