Page 12 of Dagger

My heart fluttered, the block of ice inside me melting a little more as Atlas’s reassurance settled me.

It was crazy, but even with the man who’d abused and manipulated me for years outside, demanding I return to him, I wasn’t afraid. My daughter was safe; he couldn’t use her against me anymore, and I finally had people at my back, even if it was just Colt, Brett, and now Atlas and Sophie.

For years, I’d dreamed of getting my girl back. She was safe, and finally, the day I’d been waiting thirty years for had arrived.

It was time to take down my husband.

Chapter Three


The twisted son of a bitch who’d taken everything from me stood on the other side of my club’s gates, eyeballing me, wearing a self-satisfied expression.

My stare fixated on his smug face, and my fingers twitched to reach inside my cut, slip my shiny new FN 510 out, and shoot Robert Henderson smack bang between the eyes. Except with witnesses, it couldn’t happen. Not yet, at least.

As I studied him, I thought about all the evil he’d spread and all the years I’d staggered through life without the one woman who settled my soul. So many emotions coursed through my veins that I couldn’t get a handle on them. I was dazed and overwhelmed by what he’d done. There’d been no time to process everything Elise had told me, but it didn’t stop me from vowing that, one day soon, I’d make him pay, and it would be in blood.

Eventually, I pulled my glare away from him to take in the line of slick, commando foot soldiers standing outside my club’s gates. He’d no doubt bought their services with his dirty child trafficking cash.

The majority of them were ex-military—it was obvious by the way they held themselves, even down to how they walked. Manymercenary groups and private armies existed in the US; hell, most of ‘em had tried to recruit me over the years, but I’d had my fill of that shit in Kuwait, and I had morals about who I protected and why.

Another black GMC pulled up outside the gates, and I watched as more commandos got out. There must’ve been thirty of them altogether, but there were more of us, and every one of my men had been hand-picked for my club, so these fuckers were no match.

They were about to learn the hell they’d raise when they messed with a Demon.

“Sheriff’s on his way with his deputies, Stone,” Henderson called over. “Hand my wife and Brett Stafford over like I asked, and I’ll tell him not to arrest you.”

One side of my mouth hitched. “Try it, fucknut. See what happens.”

Footsteps sounded from behind me. I glanced around to see my boys and Abe sauntering toward me without a care in the world. They were cool, calm, and collected, and their no-fucks attitude almost made me chuckle.

The second Henderson and his goons pulled up, the parking lot began to fill with Demons coming to my defense. My men were prepared to go to war for me without a second thought. I grinned at the sight of them out in force, all lined up behind me, waiting for their orders.

Slowly, I turned back to Henderson. “You can kiss my lily-white ass, ya fuckin’ pervert. I know what you did. I knoweverything. Also, know you beat the shit out of your wife, and not for the first time. Elise asked me for protection,” a slow grin spread across my face,” and I’m afraid Stafford’s a bit tied up at the moment.”

Abe barked a laugh.

My stare flicked toward the soldier who appeared to be giving the orders. He stood next to his boss, crossing his arms across his broad chest, eyes never leaving my face.

I jutted my chin toward him. “You get kicked out of the military or somethin’? Didn’t they want your weak ass?”

He cocked his head questioningly.

“Just wondering what the fuck goes on in your twisted mind. What kind of man would happily take money from a shithead human trafficker who hurts defenseless women and assaults little girls and boys?” I goaded. “I figure Uncle Sam didn’t want ya, and this is your version of a ‘throwin’ your toys outta the pram’ kinda tantrum. He’s goin’ down, and mark my words, I’ll do everythin to ensure you go down with him.”

His eyes narrowed, but I didn’t miss the flash of emotion behind them.

My mouth twist into a knowing smirk. Maybe the mayor’s commandos were in the dark about his ‘business’ dealings.


“That’s slanderous, Stone,” Henderson bit out.

“Is it?” I challenged. “So your wife’s cracked ribs and dislocated bones weren’t inflicted by you? Tell me, did she fall down the stairs? Walk into a door?” I shook my head in disgust. “You weak ass piece of shit.”

“Nothin’ more disgusting in this world than a man who abuses women and children,” Abe snarled from behind me. “Except maybe for the heartless pricks who protect them,” he added pointedly.

Commando guy’s stare hit his boots.