Page 140 of Stone

I nodded toward the back wall where the sunlight shone in. “I want him tied there, standing. Ankles two feet apart.”

Dad’s cackle rang out. “Can’t wait for this,” he crowed. “Love my boy when he’s angry.” His face leaned into Slash’s, and then he hocked back saliva before spitting in it and snarling. “You won’t, though, asshole.”

“Dad,” I snapped. “What the hell you leavin’ DNA evidence for? We’ll have to burn this fucker down now. I wanted to send a message.”

He pulled a small camera from his pocket and shouted, “Click, click, click, motherfucker. Knew we’d be havin’ a bonfire. Can’t have Iris tied to this.”

Despite myself, my lips twitched at the crazy old fucker.

The guys tied Slash’s hands, torso, and feet to the wood, until his body hung and his head lolled. Dad had ripped his pants from his legs, so he was naked from the waist down. Bloodpissed from Slash’s knee, his groans of pain filling my chest with satisfaction.

KC handed me a rolled-up leather knife holder, and I laid it out on the table where they’d just violated and cut into the heartbeat of the club. I looked at the daggers, glinting in the sunlight, picking one up and testing its sharpness with my index finger.

It was ready to slice.

Turning back to Slash, I pulled my arm back, aimed, and threw.

An animalistic scream filled the air as my dagger sliced into his now limp dick, the blade sticking out at an angle.

Dad cackled, drowning out the sound of Tex sucking air in through his teeth.

Whimpers came from Slash, and I grinned, eyes sliding to Pop. “Where next?”

He shrugged, “Aim a little to the left. See if you can get his nut sack.”

KC chortled, folding his arms across his broad chest. “Twenty says you miss.”

“Wager accepted,” I replied, taking my next dagger from the pouch, pulling my arm back, and throwing it through the air.

A scream went up, followed by hoots and laughter from my brothers.

“Fuck!” KC spat, leaning down to examine where the knife landed. “I’ll pay ya later. Ya know, I’m good for it.”

Dad howled. “Best laugh I’ve had all year,” he roared, holding his sides.

Slash sobbed.

For the next thirty minutes, we played. I threw so many knives into Slash that he was a bleeding, unrecognizable mess. By the end of the session, he was begging me to kill him. Eventually, I obliged. I reckon we’d subjected him to what he didto our Iris, and with one last throw, my dagger landed between his eyes.

I pulled one final dagger out of my pouch, lowered to my haunches next to Scalp, and stabbed him in his brainstem, just to ensure he was toast, too.

More of our boys had arrived by then, so Dad took his photographs, and we left them to raze that house of horrors to the ground.

An hour later, after a quick pitstop, we pulled into Baines Memorial’s parking lot.

It was filled with bikes and trucks belonging to the Speed Demons, and over in the corner sat a silver Porsche.


After what I’d just done, I didn’t wanna see her. My hands were covered in blood—metaphorically, at least, seeing as we’d cleaned up and changed at the clubhouse. It didn’t matter that I’d taken vengeance for Abe and Iris; my soul was still marked.

I didn’t want to involve Elise in my filth, mainly because, if it wasn’t for her, we wouldn’t have found Iris. Leesy warned me years ago what would happen. That day, Iris got chewed up and spat out. The best one of us all, suffered in ways I couldn’t comprehend.

Something else happened that day.

Dad finally gave me my road name.
