Page 122 of Stone

As if on cue, Dad came sauntering out of the barn, no shirt, jeans undone, and Tammi under his arm. “You only had to call, boy—”

Another gunshot filled the air. Dad cursed as a bullet whizzed past his ear, followed by another. The second one landed precisely where intended; proven by my dad, taking a step back and dropping to his knees.

Turning slightly, I clicked on the safety before tossing my Glock to Abe, who caught it with one hand. My head swiveled back to my father, who looked up at me blank-faced, his hand crossing his chest to press on the gunshot wound on his shoulder.

“Knees are the best place for ya,” I snarled pointedly. “Whores belong on their knees.”

Silence fell over the yard, apart from the sounds of boots on the gravel as men shuffled their feet nervously.

Dad’s stare slid to Abe, and one side of his mouth hitched slightly. “Thought it’d take a few days for you to rat me out.”

“Got no loyalty toward men who bully pregnant teenage girls,” Abe spat.

Dad’s eyes slid back to mine. “I regret doin’ it, Son. Mind wasn’t right. Lost you, lost your ma. Lost everythin’. Took it out on the wrong person. A man can admit when he’s wrong.”

“You gonna repent?” I demanded, jerking my chin toward his wound. “You gonna take that like a man? Or you gonna carry this bullshit on and gimme a reason to put the next one in your brain?”

Dad’s face split into a wide grin, and he clambered to his feet. “See that, boys?” he yelled. “Spoken like a true prez. You’ll be in safe hands when I join my Connie.”

I looked around the place, lip curling at the god-awful state of it. “We’ve never had a VP, seein’ as your ‘prez’”—I spat—“likes runnin’ the show solo. That changes. As of now, the Speed Demons have a new VP, and it’s yours truly.” My stare swung to KC. “You said you’d look out for her.”

His gaze slashed toward Dad. “Was on a run with Abe. Made my negative feelin’s known when I got back.”

My tone lowered. “Glad to hear that. You like crackin’ skulls, doncha brother?”

He jerked one nod.

“You and Abe are role-swapping,” I announced. “You’re our new Enforcer. It’s where your talents lie and where we can use you most. Abe’s the new Sergeant at Arms. He sets the rules, and he enforces the rules. Seems to me that you men have lost sight of what this club stands for. Abe’s gonna remind ya.”

KC smirked. “Gotcha.”

“Take tonight, mull it over, and pick two men for your backup enforcers,” I ordered.

He grinned.

“I’m hittin’ the road for the next month,” I revealed. “While I’m gone, I want this place cleaned to a standard that my ma would’ve approved of. Abe’s gonna come in, give you orders, which you’re gonna follow. If you don't like those orders, use the fuckin’ door. When I get back, we’re gonna start working on the new compound. We’re gonna build somewhere clean and decent, somewhere we can be proud of. We’re also gonnatake every penny from the coffers and start investing in local businesses. Anyone with a decent plan will get an investment. I want many fingers in many pies. The weed ain’t as lucrative as it once was, so we’re gonna meet with the Sinners and hand it over to them. They can take the risk for not much reward, and it’ll shut ‘em up for a while.”

“You’re makin’ a mistake, boy,” Dad almost sang.

“Maybe,” I retorted. “But it’s mine to make.”

He gave a nonchalant shrug with his good shoulder. “Was thinkin’ about offloading it anyway. There’s no money in that shit anymore. Guns are where it’s at. War’s been big business. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry wanna defend their homes.” He gave a decisive nod. “I approve.”

“Wouldn’t give a fuck if you didn’t,” I snarled, eyes moving through the crowd. “Now. Where the fuck is that scrotum Seth?”

The crowd slowly parted to reveal the little pissant standing pale-faced at the back.

I jerked my chin, a silent order.

Slowly, Seth heaved a breath, set his shoulders back, and walked until he stood in front of me.

“You know what you did?” I asked, tone flat.

He glared at me and nodded.

“Final decree,” I yelled. “From this day forward, we protect ol’ ladies. I don’t care if you married a bitch who you now hate. Fact is, it was your choice to make. Live with it or divorce her. Getting your dick wet by anyone other than your wives will be frowned upon in the new clubhouse. If you wanna do that shit, take it elsewhere.”

Mutters rose up among the crowd.