Abe looked at me, eyes rounding. “She’s a nut.”
My lips twitched. “Yep.”
Her eyes caught mine, and she waved enthusiastically before sweeping a hand down her body. “Hey! Look what the cat dragged in.”
“Yep, a nut.” Abe grinned. “I like her.”
I smirked. Adele hadn’t changed a bit. Still cute and still funny. Seeing her again brought a smile to my face, but why was she here?
I walked over and kissed her cheek, “Hey, sweetheart. It’s good to see ya, but we’re a long way from New Mexico. You okay?”
She beamed up at me, her blue eyes twinkling in the sun. “I’m good. I recalled you talking about Hambleton and the Speed Demons. It didn’t take much brainpower to track you down. I went to the other Speed Demons’ place, and they told me you were here. Can we talk somewhere privately?”
My forehead creased questioningly. “Yeah, sweetheart.”
She held a finger up. “Won’t be a jiffy.” Turning, she headed back to her car and pulled out a black overnight bag before strutting back over. “Lead the way.”
“You gonna hang here?” I asked, jerking my chin toward the bag.
She cocked her head, her fantastic black hair spilling over her shoulder. “Who knows? I’ve got my case in the trunk, just in case.”
“If your case is in the trunk, what’s in the bag?” I inquired confusedly.
She rolled her eyes. “You’ll see.”
My hand went to the small of her back, and I guided her into the clubhouse and through the bar.
“Place looks great, John,” she murmured, eyes wide as she took everything in. “It’s good to see you’re doing everything you planned.”
A recollection of our night, chatting away in the diner, came back to me. I’d told her about the club and my plans, and she was right. The place did look good.
“We’ll go to my office,” I suggested, leading her down one of the corridors. “We can have some privacy there.”
Adele glanced in my direction and smiled. “It’s good to see you, John.”
I grinned back at her. “You too, Dell.”
Pushing my office door open, I gestured for her to take a seat before grabbing another chair and placing it next to her. I parked my ass and watched as she folded her hands in her lap and took a breath. “Right. I’m gonna get straight to the point. I’m here to tell you something.”
“Okaaay?” I said as a question.
She leaned over, unzipped the bag, and shook the contents out over my desk. A collection of little white plastic sticks and wands clattered onto the wood; there must’ve been thirty, at least.
Then, the bottom fell out of my world.
“I’m pregnant, and it’s yours,” she announced. “You’re the only man I’ve had sexual relations with since my high school boyfriend two years ago. I get if you want to do a paternity test, though until the baby comes, I’m not sure what that would entail, but I wouldn’t lie to you. I’m not here to trap you or make any demands. If you say you’re not interested, I’ll wish you well and walk away. You never have to see me again. But you’re the father, and you have every right to know. So, here I am.” She smiled sheepishly and did jazz hands. “Surprise!”
My mouth fell open, closely followed by my asshole. Lost for words, I turned to the table and grabbed a handful of tests, examining them one by one.
I tried to tap into my feelings and tamp down my rising panic, but there was none. My chest felt a little tight and my heart ached because I always thought it would be Elise sitting before me, telling me this.
I hardly knew this girl, but I couldn’t bring myself to hate the idea of havin’ a baby. I always dreamed of bein’ a dad, but after Elise, my dream faded. The situation was fucked up, but a baby?
Jesus fucking Christ.
“Without wanting to ruin the moment, my pee is on them,” she admitted, nodding to my hands.
“Babe.” I cocked an eyebrow. “Had my dick up and my mouth on your pussy. It’s a moot point.”