Page 115 of Stone

A sharp pain hit me, and I bent double, gasping. I got to my door, opened it, and called out for Robert.

Within seconds, he was guiding me back inside my room, crooning soft endearments.

“I need to go to the hospital,” I demanded. “Get your keys. Robert, help me.”

He led me back to my bed. “I’ve arranged a home birth,” he murmured. “You’re young and healthy. There’s no reason you can’t give birth here. I have a midwife and a nurse on standby. They’ll be with you before you know it.”

“I want to go to the hospital, Robert,” I cried out. “You can’t stop me. I’ll call an ambulance. Hell, I’ll call a cab if I have to.”

“And what if word gets back to Bandit?” he snapped. “Use your head, Elise. I can’t protect you if you’re exposed in a public place.” He helped me down onto the mattress and pulled my comforter across my body. “I’ll call the midwife.” He hurried to the door. “I won’t be long.”

My skull fell back against the headboard, and my hands cradled my stomach. I could feel Constance moving around in there; she was so active. I’d always assumed I’d have her in hospital. A tinge of unease crept through me, but I ignored it.

Women had been having home births for centuries. If Robert had professionals coming, I’d be fine.

I smiled in wonder at my baby’s strength. Things had been rocky there for a while. In my grief, I hadn’t taken the best care of her, but all that was about to change.

Not for the first time, a thread of excitement weaved through my chest, and for the first time in months, a broad grin spread across my face.

It was time. Very soon, mine and John’s daughter would be in my arms, right where she belonged. I couldn’t wait to look down at her sweet face, feed her, change her diaper, and sing her to sleep. As dangerous as it was, I wanted her to look like her daddy, but I’d settle for her having her dad’s courage and strong values.

A sudden wave of emotion hit me, alongside another painful contraction. I breathed through it, like I’d read in my pregnancy books, and sent up a silent prayer for the midwife to hurry.

“I’ll make you proud, John,” I whispered. “I love you, baby. Always.”

Noises filtered into the room. The doorbell rang, and then low and murmured voices carried through the house. I breathed a relieved sigh. The midwife must’ve arrived.

Sitting up, I gritted my teeth at the sharp ache radiating through my back. Whoever said labor was beautiful must’ve been a masochist. My spine felt as if a herd of elephants had trampled it. The pain jolting through my belly made my jaw clench tightly.

The door opened, and I looked up expectantly, only to see Scalp saunter into the room with Robert following in his wake. He looked even scruffier than last time I saw him. “Evening,” he called out, shrugging off his Burning Sinners cut and throwing it over my dresser.

My eyebrows snapped together with confusion. “What’s going on?” I demanded, my stare sliding to my husband. “Robert. What’s happening? What’s he doing here? Where’s the midwife?”

“You remember Scalp?” Robert drawled, utterly unaffected by the panic in my tone. “He’s going to give you a C-section.”

A sinking sensation gripped my chest. “What are you talking about…?” My voice trailed off as I watched Scalp rummage inside an old medical bag and take out surgical tools one by one, lining them up on the dresser.

“I need that alcohol and boilin’ water,” he said, turning to Robert. “Don’t got all night.”

My shocked stare met Robert’s cold one, and a dark, ominous feeling slid through my chest as the God-awful truth hit me. “Why?” I croaked. “I did everything you wanted, Robert. Why?”

My husband approached the bed and sat next to me on the mattress. “I can’t raise his bastard, Elise,” he explained coldly. “I’ve found a good home for your child. She’ll be loved and welllooked after. I’ll even make sure she gets a college education. I’ll keep her safe, I promise. You just have to comply.”

My hands began to violently shake, and my lungs burned with pain. I tried to push the comforter back, but Robert grabbed my arms, pinning me to the bed. “Now,” he ordered.

I thrashed, my legs kicking out, my body jerking as Scalp approached with a needle. “Get off me,” I shrieked.

“Hold her still, for fuck’s sake, Rob,” he muttered. “It’s like tryin’a stick a squealin’ pig.”

Taking a deep breath, I opened my mouth and let out a piercing scream, just as another contraction hit my belly. My scream morphed into a pain-filled moan.

Scalp pulled a hand in front of his chest and backhanded me across the mouth. “Shut the fuck up, or I won’t bother puttin’ you under. I’ll take your brat out while you’re awake with no damned pain relief. Ungrateful bitch.”

I moaned as the tang of blood filled my mouth.

“Move it, asshole,” Robert ordered, pinning me harder to the bed. “She’s stronger than she looks.”

A sharp sting emanated from my upper arm, followed by a ringing sensation in my ears. My limbs suddenly felt like lead weights. My panicked breaths sawed in and out, and my lungs almost exploded from lack of oxygen. Suddenly, I felt myself floating, all pain and feeling draining away.