That’s what had him worried.
He wanted to go in, to make sure she didn’t let her emotions get the better of her, but he knew better. This was her fight. He had no right to take it from her.
Fitz had arrived only a few minutes behind them and now stood beside Daniels, arms crossed, his expression unreadable. “She’s hanging by a thread.”
Daniels didn’t take his eyes off Reyna. “Yeah.”
“Think she’ll cross a line?”
Daniels exhaled slowly. “No. But I don’t think she’ll stop herself from getting damn close.”
Fitz was silent for a moment before shaking his head and chuckling. “I almost feel sorry for the little bastard. You may have to do some damage control with your sub when she’s finished. She seems wound pretty tight.”
“She’s not my sub,” Daniels answered.
“Bullshit. Neither of you plays with or even looks at anyone else. You need to put the hammer down on her and explain how things are going to be.”
“I can’t just bonk her over the head and drag her back to my cave by her hair.”
“You’re right. Her hair’s too short. But I would suggest the judicious use of your hand applied to her backside before you get between her legs and explain to her the new order of things.”
Daniels barked a laugh. “Easy for you to say. JJ isn’t one of the best snipers in the world.”
“True, but JJ didn’t think she wanted a Dom for a partner, either. She only wanted someone to top her when she wanted to be topped. Ask her now, and she’ll tell you she’s right where she wants and needs to be. Reyna’s a bit different. More hands-on, but I’ve seen the two of you together, and she responds to you in a way she has to no other. She needs you, Daniels. Don’t let her down.”
Fitz turned and headed back to the Cerberus bullpen. Daniels watched him leave and wondered if the Scotsman might be right. He usually was when it came to handling independent, feisty subs.
Inside the interrogation room, Reyna slammed her palms against the table, making the cuffs rattle. Winkie, a nondescript man in his late thirties who had once been trusted with the club’s most sensitive information—flinched but didn’t look up.
“Look at me,” Reyna demanded, her voice cutting through the thick air like a blade.
Winkie didn’t move.
Reyna shoved the chair back with a screech and started pacing again. “You don’t get to act like you’re the victim here, Winkie.”
Still, nothing.
Daniels shifted against the wall, his jaw clenching. She was pushing too hard, too fast. If she didn’t reel it in, the bastard was going to shut down completely.
And then Reyna did something he hadn’t expected.
She went quiet.
She quit pacing and sat in the chair across from Winkie, folded her hands on the table, and leaned in. “How much?”
Winkie hesitated. “What?”
Her voice was eerily calm now. “How much did they pay you?”
Winkie swallowed, but still didn’t answer.
Reyna leaned back in her chair. “You know what the worst part is?” she said, tilting her head slightly. “I trusted you. We all did. And you sold us out like we meant nothing.”
Winkie finally looked up, and Daniels could see the guilt in his eyes.
Reyna leaned forward again, her voice low and venomous. “Who was it? Who gave you the orders? Who sent you to find information about Veda, about Titan?”