Page 3 of Archangel

“What? Sonya, no! You’ve been my best friend since the first day I met you. Sure, you push my boundaries, but we never hurt anyone or anything and it’s all in good fun. Embarrassing for some, maybe, but never maliciously.” She gave me a bright smile. “Besides, think how boring people’s lives around here would be if not for us.”

I reached out to grasp Linnie’s hand. “Thanks for being such an awesome friend, Caroline.”

“You’re an awesome friend too, Sonya. Now, I have a serious question.”

Nodding, I met and held Linnie’s gaze. “Why are they separating us?”

“Exactly. They already know what we did. Why would they need to separate us?”

Lawdawg opened the door, bracing one arm on the open door, the other on the door frame. “We’re separating you because you’re not going to the same place.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Do you have this truck bugged?”

“Of course. Everything inside these four doors is recorded. It’s all for safety purposes. But it comes in handy when two brats think they need to get their stories straight.”

“For the love of God, Grady! You already know what we did! If we’re going separate places, where are we going?”

“Well, she” -- he nodded at Linnie – “is going home with her mother. Like I said.”

“And me?”

This time, his smile was the smile of a man who was about to see justice served in the most satisfying way. Not gonna lie, the look made me nervous. “You’re going with him.” He stepped back and jerked his head to the left, indicating the straight stretch of US 27, leading from one end of town to the other.

Two blocks down, I saw a big, black Harley heading our way. Even from this distance the roar of the pipes was distinctive. And I knew the sound well. A dense trail of smoke had covered the four lanes from where one of the residences was burning a small pile of brush. Just like in the movies, the big Harley I’d known was attached to that rumble parted the haze with smoke circling behind him like a jet trail. The man sitting on the bike was just as intimidating as the machine. All the scene needed was a slow-motion sequence and it would be perfect.

Archangel. He was the most unflappable man I’d ever met. There was an eerie calm surrounding him most of the time. Sure, he laughed and had a good time like anyone else, but he was the peacemaker. The person everyone called when they didn’t want El Diablo or El Segador to take up the cause. More than once, I’d heard Archangel make the statement you knew when you had a successful negotiation because neither party was completely satisfied. He didn’t play favorites, and he was always fair, but the man had a giant stick up his ass the size of a telephone pole.

He crossed two lanes of traffic at the corner to pull into the parking lot of the courthouse, not even hesitating at the light as he did. Brazen, considering where he was, and that three deputies and two city cops were sitting close by. He parked the bike in front of Lawdawg’s truck before turning it off and putting down the kickstand. A long, thickly muscled leg was lifted over the seat as Archangel dismounted and walked toward the truck and Lawdawg.

I knew there was drool dripping from the corner of my mouth, but I didn’t fucking care. Archangel was the most perfectly built man I’d ever had the pleasure of viewing. No matter how many times I saw him, he was still awe-inspiring. If anyone saw me, all I would have to do was point at the man and any red-blooded woman on the planet who looked would understand. He wore snug, black jeans. The material clung to his hips and thighs in all the right places. He didn’t have on a shirt, but his plain leather vest covered most of his rippled torso. Which left his arms bare, and a sliver of chest and abdomen showing when he walked. Muscles and thick veins roped his arms. Tattoos peeked from his vest and crept up his arms. His salt-and-pepper hair was over his collar but artfully shaggy, and his beard was full and neatly trimmed. Mirrored aviator sunglasses rounded out his outfit. The man rocked it like the ultimate bad boy.

“Hoooooly shit. Are you seeing this?” Linnie sounded awed, and I glanced at her sharply.

“What the shit, Linnie, you whore!” I wasn’t really mad. This was how we communicated.

“What?” She didn’t take her gaze from Archangel and the question was more of a demand. “Tell me you weren’t eye fucking him too and I’ll be ashamed. Or something. OK. No, I won’t be ashamed, but look me in the eyes and tell me you weren’t eye fucking him. Besides, we always eye fuck him together.”

“I’d love to. But I’m too busy eye fucking him to look you in the eyes and tell you I’m not eye fucking him. Because I’m eye fucking him like crazy. Also, I’ve changed my mind. We can’t eye fuck him together anymore.”

“You sure know how to pick ‘em, Sonya. If you change your mind and decide he’s too much work, let me know. I’ll give it a shot.”

“Like hell.” I turned and hissed at my friend. “Mine.”

“You know he’s so much older than you as to not be believed, right? The man is practically ancient!”

“Red and Rosana have more of an age gap than me and Archangel.”

“Right. Use their successful age gap relationship to justify your own. I’m sure it will go over with your dad as well as it would with my own father.” She had a point.

“Why’s he here, I wonder?”

“Don’t know, Sonya, but if the look on his face is any indication, the reason can’t be good.”

Whatever was being said between Archangel and Lawdawg seemed to have gotten under Archangel’s skin. He snatched his glasses from his face and leaned into Lawdawg’s space. His lips moved, but I couldn’t tell what he was saying. Mainly because Archangel had his teeth clenched. Lawdawg shrugged and jerked his head toward the truck where we sat and watched them from the back seat.

Archangel turned his head to look at the truck and us. Lawdawg spoke, gesturing with his hands a couple of times while Archangel continued to stare.

Finally, he nodded, and stepped away from Lawdawg, moving toward the truck. Archangel came to my side and opened the door. “Come on. Out with ya.” When I hesitated, he added. “Or I’ll haul you out over my shoulder. Choice is yours.” Though his eyes looked like he was furious, his face was relaxed and his voice was calm.