I took her hand and led her into my house. “You couldn’t have timed it any better. I was ready to lose my mind tonight.”
Nicole’s shoes clicked against the black marble floor. This was the first time she’d ever set foot into one of my California residences. Her mouth was agape as she looked up at the crystal chandelier.
I followed her as she explored. The entryway was lined with framed platinum records, an homage to a life consumed by a career.
“Your ceilings are so…high.”
“It’s a bit much, I know. Stupid when I’m the only one who lives here.”
“It’s not stupid if you can afford it. You earned it. It’s beautiful.”
When she turned around to face me, I rubbed my thumb along her cheek. “It is now.” I’d give up all of it if it meant erasing the pain of the past and having her full trust back.
“Today was your last day of recording, right?”
Her expression turned melancholy. “And you leave for the tour in a few days…”
I hung my head. “Unfortunately.”
I hated this. There was barely any time for us to enjoy each other’s company before I had to take off. But why the sadness in her eyes? Was she upset that I was leaving, or was there something more?
“Baby, talk to me. What’s going on? It’s the tour, right? You’re afraid of things going back to the way they were? I knew this was gonna happen. That’s why I’ve tried to assure you that—”
“No. That’s not it, Atticus. This is not about a lack of trust. That’s not why I’m here.”
My stomach sank. Something had compelled her to come all the way out here, and I was starting to freak out. Maybe I’d misinterpreted the reason for her trip, especially given the continued serious look on her face. A flash of panic hit. Back in New York, she’d said she needed time to work through things. Maybe she’d decided she could never accept my life. Maybe she’d come to break the news to me in person.
Moving in to cradle her face again, I looked deeply into her eyes. “I need you to tell me what’s wrong.”
“I’m not surehowto tell you…”
Dread filled me. “You need to just say it, Nicole…”
“I think I had too much seafood,” she blurted.
My eyes narrowed. “That’s code for you love me…”
“Not this time.” She stuttered, “I mean, Idolove you. But that’s not what I meant.”
I drew in my brows. “I’m not following…”
Nicole unzipped her coat. Then she took my hands in hers and slipped them under her shirt and over her stomach. “The seafood part was a lie. But my stomachisupset.”
Running my hand along her stomach, I noticed it was…protruding a little. My mouth slowly opened. “What’s happening?”
“I’m pregnant, Atticus.”
Pregnant?My first instinct was to panic. “Withmybaby?”
“Of course it’s yours.”
“You got me pregnant the night of Tristan’s wedding. I didn’t know until this past week. My periods have been wonky for a while, so I hadn’t questioned missing them. I’m almost four months along.”
My mouth dropped. “Fourmonths? Is this for real?”