Atticus: How do you know what I look like?
Shit. Shit. Shit.I’d lost my damn mind. How the hell would I know what he looked like if I weren’t stalking him from behind a tree?
Nicole: I saw you taking photos.
Atticus: I sensed you.
Nicole: What do you mean?
Atticus: I can’t explain it. But I sensed you. That’s why I asked if you were here. Where are you?
Nicole: Hiding behind a tree, hoping you don’t spot me in my workout clothes and baseball cap.
He immediately turned and looked around until he found me. His mouth curved into the most adorable smile. Then he ran over and pulled me into the biggest hug. I had no time to warnmy heart to stop beating so fast. He squeezed me tightly, and I took a long whiff of his spicy scent. He smelled just as delicious as he looked.
“Holy shit. I can’t believe you’re here.”
“I look like crap,” I said, surveying my workout attire. “I didn’t want you to see me like this.”
“You’re fucking beautiful, Nicole. It doesn’t matter what you’re wearing.” He wrapped his hands around my cheeks. “It’s so good to see you right now.”
“You look very handsome.” I smiled. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a suit before.”
“That’s pretty sad considering how long we’ve known each other. But yeah, I can’t remember the last time I wore a suit. Maybe my first communion as a kid.”
“Well, it was worth the wait.” I reached out to straighten his jacket. “You ready for the big event?”
He sighed. “I have to give the best man’s speech. Not really looking forward to that.”
I tilted my head. “Really? You’re anxious?”
“Yeah. I wish he’d asked Ronan.”
“He was probably afraid Ronan would roast him hard.”
He laughed. “Well, little does he know that Ronan helped me with my speech.”
“Well, that backfired, then. But you’ll do fine.”
“If you say so.”
It was kind of cute to see Atticus nervous. I guess speaking in front of an audience was a lot different than hiding behind a drum set.
He moved a piece of my hair off my face. “I was worried you weren’t gonna make it. I’ve been afraid to ask because I didn’t want you to think I was pressuring you. Didn’t want to jinx it.” He winked. “You know, keep your dreams to yourself and maybe they’ll come true.”
I shrugged. “Well, I promised Emily, so…” Sure.Emily.That’s why I was here. I could’ve found her someone great to do her hair. But Iwantedto be here. It was my excuse to see Atticus again.
I realized my hand was still lingering on his lapel. How long had it been there? When I looked up, he was staring intently. My legs felt ready to collapse.
Clearing my throat, I patted his chest and placed my hand by my side. “You’d better go in case they need you for more photos. I have to get dressed anyway.”
“Yeah. Okay.” His eyes lingered, and he didn’t move.
I had no desire to move, either. Why would I, when I was looking into the eyes of the most beautiful man I’d ever seen while a gentle California breeze caressed my skin?
But then Kenzie called him over, and Atticus was forced to return to the wedding party.
As I watched him walk away, I knew tonight was going to be oneverylong evening.