She reached out her hand. “I can’t believe you’re finally here.”
That broke my heart. There was no fucking excuse. “I’m so sorry I haven’t been back to visit you these past few…years.”
“It doesn’t matter. You’re here now.”
“I am. And I’m so happy to be.”
Mimi had aged quite a bit since the last time I’d seen her. Her gray hair had thinned, and the creases in her face were deeper. All to be expected, but just another sign of how much time had passed.
“How’s the music?” she asked.
“It’s going well.”
Our last album going platinum was a bit more thanwell, but nothing seemed less relevant in this moment than my music career, and I didn’t like wasting even a shred of this time focused on it. It had taken up enough of my life. Ruined enough of my life. I felt an equal mix of appreciation and resentment when it came to my sudden stardom, and mostly they canceled each other out, leaving me feeling numb about it.
I rubbed her arm gently. “How is it that you’re more beautiful than the last time I saw you?”
“When did you become a liar, dear Atticus?”
“Come on now…” I chuckled.
“I wish I wasn’t stuck in this bed. I could make you your favorite chicken and dumplings.”
Mmm.She did make some damn good chicken and dumplings back in the day. “Well, how about I make them foryou, instead?”
She struggled to laugh. “Oh, gosh…nowthat’sfunny.”
I shrugged. “I could at least try.”
“Well, Nicole does have the recipe. I gave her all of my recipes, but I don’t think she does anything with them.” She grinned. “They’re somewhere collecting dust under all her hair tools.”
“I wish I could cook like you,” Nicole said. “But nothing comes out the same, even when I follow your recipe cards, which I actually have taken out, believe it or not. I’m convinced you’re holding back some secrets you didn’t write down.”
Mimi smiled. “You’re not able to get it to taste right because you have to cook withlove. And if you don’t, people can tell. That’s the secret. But not everyone has to love to cook. I don’t think Atticus married you for your cooking.” She winked.
“That’s for damn sure,” I murmured.
Nicole rolled her eyes.
But Mimi was right. I’d married Nicole for her kind soul and, yes, her beauty. I’d married her because I’d never loved anyone like I loved her. It didn’t matter that she wasn’t the best cook. Well, with the exception of one meal. She made a mean white chicken chili.
Mimi squeezed my hand. “I haven’t wanted to eat much lately.”
I rubbed my palm over her fingers. “Maybe you’re just not eating the right stuff. The woman who works here, what is she feeding you?”
“Louise usually just heats up whatever Meals on Wheels brings. She doesn’t cook, either.”
“Well, that’s not right.” I frowned. “You should eat what you crave. What can I get you?”
She cleared her throat. “Well, now that you have me thinking about chicken and dumplings, I wouldn’t mind that.”
Damn. I’d promised something I might not be able to deliver. But I was determined to try. “Done.” I stood, letting go of her hand. “I’m gonna figure out how to make that for you, if it’s the last thing I do.”
Mimi grinned.
In that moment, I realized that my being here was so much bigger than Nicole and me. Mimi deserved some happiness in her final days, tender loving care that only her family could provide. No matter what happened with Nicole, Mimiwasfamily to me. And shebelievedI was still her family. As long as I was here, I needed to act like it.
I turned to Nicole. “I’m gonna head to the market and buy everything we need to make chicken and dumplings. I’ll survey the fridge and see what else we need for the week.”