As we hugged goodbye, I could feel his heart thundering against mine.
“I don’t want to let you go,” he whispered.
I closed my eyes for a moment, relishing the feel of being in his arms. Forcing myself away, I rubbed my hands together, trying to distract myself from the fact that I already missed being held by him.
Atticus reached into his pocket. “Hey, I want to give you something before you go.” He handed me a small box.
“What’s this?”
“Open it.”
I opened the box to find a white gold charm attached to a thin rope necklace. It was a figure-eight infinity symbol.
I rubbed my thumb over the metal. “It’s beautiful.”
“You refused to take anything from me when we split, but I’m hoping you won’t refuse this.”
“When did you have the time to get this?”
“I had Clemson’s make it for me.”
Clemson’s was a local jewelry store.
“It represents who you are to me,” he explained. “And maybe the new normal of our relationship. Even if we’re not married or together, you’re a part of me forever. And I’ll always be here for you.”
Feeling my eyes water, I nodded. “I’m proud of us.” I stared down at the necklace. “Of how we came together these past couple weeks.”
“Me, too, baby.”
I looked up at him. “Will you put it on me?”
“Of course.”
The feel of his hands at the back of my neck sent shivers down my spine. I cherished every second. Turning around, Ihadn’t accounted for how close he’d be. His gorgeous lips wererightthere.
“I hate this,” he said. “I don’t want to leave you.”
As his eyes flickered between my eyes and lips, I gripped his shirt as if to sayI don’t want to leave you, either.He leaned in and touched my lips with his. As my heart nearly leaped through my chest, I opened my mouth slightly, expecting his tongue, but his kiss simply grew firmer—intense yet controlled.Closed.Then he pulled back.
He placed his fingers over his lips. “Be careful driving.”
I fondled the charm. “Thank you again.”
“Of course.” He smiled sadly.
I wasn’t sure how to interpret that kiss, but without saying anything further, I forced myself to walk away. As I started my car, Atticus stayed put. I looked over at him one more time before backing out. He waved and blew me a kiss.
I pulled out, and he walked to the end of the driveway, watching me drive down the road until he disappeared in my rearview mirror.
On the way out of town, I drove by the house we’d passed on our walk, the one I’d always envisioned as my future forever home here in Monksville. It was white with window boxes filled with purple flowers. I slowed down to get a better look at it, trying to ignore the pangs of sadness in my chest as I clutched the infinity charm around my neck.
Billy Idol’s “White Wedding” had been stuck in my head since I’d heard it in the car on the way here. That was fitting since I was in California for Tristan and Emily’s wedding.
The happy couple had rented out an entire hotel in Malibu for the reception and also for their guests’ accommodations this weekend, sparing no expense. The ceremony itself would be held at a nearby church.