“For one, I wouldn’t have allowed my fear of Atticus’s fame to control my actions.”
“I never understood why you didn’t trust him.”
“I think I have some trauma that I haven’t dealt with when it comes to my father.”
“What do you mean?”
I sighed. “My dad cheated on my mother. It had been going on for years, and we had no idea. I’d always believed I came from the happiest family, that it was safe and sacred. That my parents were so in love that nothing could ever break that bond. When we found out, it was quite a gut punch. It felt like my entire life had been a lie. My hero turned out to be a fraud. I found that out around the time Atticus and I got married, so I’d lived most of my life believing my dad was a stand-up guy.”
“Atticus would never cheat on you.”
I nodded. “Strangely, in the years we’ve been apart, as I see how badly our separation has affected him, I do believe that now.” I shook my head as I felt a teardrop fall.
“Well…” She sighed. “No matter what happens, I’m always here for you, Nicole. And I hope now that we’ve broken the ice, you and I can stay in touch.”
“I would love that, Kenzie. Truly.” I wiped my eyes. “Enough about me. What’s going on withyou?”
She shrugged. “I’m just trying to figure out life. Photojournalism wasn’t exactly the wisest major for getting a job.”
Kenzie was so smart. She’d run track in high school and earned a full scholarship to Boston University, my alma mater.
“What have you been doing in the meantime?”
“Wedding photography.” She rolled her eyes.
“What’s wrong with that?”
“There’s nothingwrongwith it. It just feels like a waste of my skills. It’s always the same thing. But I have to say, it really pays the bills and then some. I’ve been continuously booked.”
“Well, that’s awesome. At least you’re getting paid.”
“But if I could do it on the side and have a main gig at a newspaper or something, that would be ideal. The best of both worlds. I wouldn’t mind getting to travel.”
“Well, don’t give up on that, if it’s your dream.” I shook my head at the grown woman in front of me. “Can I just say how proud of you I am? As someone who’s known you since you were a little girl?”
Kenzie smiled, but my phone rang, interrupting our conversation. When I saw it was Mimi’s caretaker, I picked up right away. “Hey, Louise.”
“Hi, this is Lynn, actually, Louise’s daughter.”
Something about her sullen tone brought dread to my gut. “Oh, hello. Is everything okay? I’ve been waiting for your mother to confirm that she’ll be back in a couple of days as planned? I’d tried to call her, but—”
“I’m really sorry, but I’m afraid I’m calling with some bad news.”
My heart sank. “What happened?”
“My mother had a heart attack on the ship two days ago. And I’m sorry to say…” Lynn hesitated. “She passed away.”
Atticus’ smile melted to a frown the moment he walked in. I’d been pacing near the door, anxious for his return.
“What’s wrong, Nicole? Your eyes are red. Have you been crying?”
I just kept shaking my head. He pulled me into his arms without hesitation.
He spoke low into my ear. “Tell me what happened.”