“Atticus…” she repeated.
I closed my eyes, loving the way she called my name and wishing so badly that I could see inside her mind right now.
Why was she calling for me?
What were we doing in her imagination?
Did she forgive me in her dreams?
Did sheloveme in her dreams?
The following week, Atticus told me he had to go to the city for the day. Made sense since he was this close, rather than in L.A. He’d left in the wee hours of the morning and had likely only gotten a few hours of sleep.
We’d been here now for twelve days, and this felt more normal with each day that passed. It was hard to believe we’d be parting ways soon. I’d grown attached to having him around, and I wasn’t ready for it to end.
With Atticus gone today, the afternoon dragged. Mimi slept for most of it, so I did everything I could to keep myself busy and sane. I cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom and took a quick drive out to the coffee shop, checking in periodically on her via the app on my phone. That fifteen minutes out and about was like heaven after being stuck in the house most days.
More than anything, I found myself missing Atticus, which was disconcerting to say the least, considering he’d only been gone a few hours. It felt like all the work I’d done to try to get over him these past few years was slowly coming undone. I missed his coffee in the morning. I missed anticipating his return from the store. I missed his smell. His laugh. And the sweet way he spoke to Mimi. He’d be back tonight, and I knew I’d wait up if it turned out he came back late.
As if the universe knew I was going stir crazy, later that afternoon, there was a knock on Mimi’s door.
When I opened, I found Atticus’s beautiful niece, Kenzie, standing there, the sunlight casting a glow on her strawberry blond hair.
“Hi, Nicole.” She smiled. “I hope it’s okay that I stopped by.”
“Oh my gosh, Kenzie. It’s so good to see you.” I opened my arms and gave her a hug.
She squeezed me. “It’s been so long.”
“I know.” I waved. “Come in. Please.”
Kenzie had grown into such a beautiful woman. She looked just like her dad, Brian, with the same color hair and complexion. Both Tina and Atticus had dark hair, but the only one of Tina’s kids who looked like the Marchetti side was the youngest, Kyle. Kieran, Kenzie’s twin, also resembled their dad.
Kenzie looked around the small living area. “Am I disturbing you?”
“No. Not at all. Actually, I’m happy for the company. I was going a little bonkers all alone today. Well, Mimi is here, of course, but she’s catching up on sleep. She must’ve not slept well last night.”
“She’s good most days, all things considered.”
“Where’s my uncle?”
“He went to the city for the day. He should be back tonight.”
She looked over at the photos on the wall. “I see.”
“I’m glad you came by, though,” I said. “I haven’t talked to you in a long time.” I led the way. “Let’s go in here so we can chat.”
We walked past Mimi’s room into the kitchen.
“Can I get you something to drink?”
She took a seat. “Do you have any wine?”