Page 9 of Ryder's War

“That ain’t Ace’s fault.”

“You know I ain’t ever gonna get in a brother’s face over some hot bitch. I’ll stick with the occasional whore. At least they know their place.”

“Where might that be?”

He didn’t reply, but then again, he didn’t have to. His smile was as dark as his nickname implied. Everyone in the club knew Darkness had no love lost for women. After being royally fucked over by the love of his life some years ago, he considered all women manipulative and deceitful.

Ryder was of a similar mind but intelligent enough to know women came in all shapes, sizes, and personalities. Some were manipulative and deceitful, but a good bit of them were just real nice. Ryder had been lucky enough to draw the notice a good woman, so he knew they were out there.

Hanging out in the waiting room proved an impossible task for Darkness. He paced back and forth until everyone was shooting him annoyed looks. Then he went out to smoke a joint, came back in, and fidgeted in his seat like a crazy man. Ryder made productive use of his time by going through his e-mail. A couple of hours later, Ace came out on a pair of crutches looking like the cat who ate the canary.

Once outside, they got Ace settled in the back of the vehicle, and for once, his new friend and partner in crime was quiet. It was almost unsettling - like watching a wolf turn into a puppy. Ryder had seen men changed by violence plenty of times, but change from kindness? That was rarer in their world.

Darkness climbed behind the wheel, insisting on driving. Ryder suspected it was just to have something to do. He turned to stare at Ace. “You must have been given some good drugs.”


“What do you mean, ‘yep’? No ‘fuck off and shut the hell up, Ryder’? What’s up with you?”

Ace kept his eyes closed tight, raising Ryder’s suspicions. “Nothing.”

“Nothing, my ass. You’re more mellow than I’ve ever seen you. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you look like a brother who just got laid.”

“Mind your own business.”

Ryder’s brows popped, and with a fuck-load of shock in his voice, he said, “Fucking hell, you did get laid.”

Ace sighed. “Not exactly.” Unsnapping his pants, he pulled them open. Lipstick kisses were all over his lower abdomen.”

“That lipstick go all the way down, brother?”

“Yep,” he said with a cocky smirk.


Pulling his pants down with one thumb, Ace’s lipstick-smeared junk flopped out. It even had a little red heart sticker stuck to the tip.

“Fuck me. Told you that she’d give you a sticker,” Ryder said, amused. “And I recognize that color lipstick. You got a blow job from your doctor? That’s all kinds of crazy.”

“Not only that.” Righting his pants, Ace shoved up his sleeve to reveal a phone number written on his arm in what appeared to be a black sharpie.

Ryder shook his head. “You lucky son of a bitch. I’ll take my thank you about now. If I hadn’t shot you, you never would have met her.”

Pulling his sleeve back down, Ace’s grin spread wider. “I’m almost inclined to give you one.”

“Shit, you are more chilled the fuck out than I’ve ever seen you. I guess we now know what it takes to get you to stop being a dick.”

“Whatever, man. Nothing could ruin this day for me.”

“I’ll bet you anything I can have you pissed the hell off inside of an hour,” Ryder challenged, ideas already beginning to form.

Darkness spoke in a low and menacing tone. “Leave the man alone. Let him enjoy the little happiness that’s come his way.”

Turning his attention to his president, Ryder took note of the classic and always there dark expression he wore and responded, “Yeah, why mess with him when Mister Doom and Gloom himself is sitting right here?”

Rather than answering, Darkness reached out and nailed him with one hard first across his face while still driving.

Ryder cupped his aching jaw, cursing under his breath. “What in the hell was that for?”