Page 7 of Ryder's War

And somewhere, someone was always willing to pay.

~ Ryder ~

Across town, Ace was waiting to see the club’s favorite private physician. Old Doc Reynolds had been patching up their battle wounds since the old days, back when Ryder was still learning that some scars were worth earning. These days, he had enough of both kinds - the ones that showed and the ones that didn't.

Leaning over the exam table, Ryder barked gruffly, “Don’t be such a freaking baby.” The words came automatically, their bickering as familiar now as brotherhood. Strange how trying to kill each other had somehow led to this—Ryder actually giving a damn whether the stubborn bastard lived or died.

Groaning, Ace slammed his head back against the headrest. “I cannot believe you shot me again, you piece of shit.”

Ryder’s expression morphed into a smirk. “But this time it was unintentional. That should count for something, right?”

“I’m not finished. You shot me then closed the hole with a fucking pool stick. What kind of person does that?”

“A person trying to help?”

“A dumbass, that’s who.”

Ryder’s lip curled, and he growled, “I saved your life.”

“Yeah, after you accidentally shot me.”


“Accidentally shooting someone and then saving their life does not make you a hero,” Ace grumbled. “It falls into the category of righting your own mistake, dumbass.”

Grinning, Ryder poked at the wound. “You got me there. Thanks for not telling Tiff I screwed up.”

“You’re fucking welcome, dimwit. Do me a freaking favor from now on. Let me unjam any weapons.”

“Roger that, Ace.”

Ace’s gaze slid around the room, taking in all the bright lights and sterile equipment and other crap doctors used to patch up their patients. “I hate doctors’ offices. Used to throw a fit every time my mom took me to get a checkup. The oldfucker used to poke and prod me in all the wrong places and enjoyed handling my junk a little too much for my liking.”

Ryder’s head jerked back. “Jesus, that’s all kinds of screwed up.”

“Yep, it seems he was doing a lot more with some of the other kids. Blew his brains out when the cops showed up at his house to arrest him.”

Darkness sounded off from the doorway. “Fuck him. I’d have cut his nuts off. You got a bitch for a doctor today anyways.”

“God, I hope she’s not some little old lady. That would mess with my head.”

“Pipe down, pipsqueak. If you’re a good little boy, I’ll take you for ice cream when we’re finished,” Darkness said with a crooked smile.

“Fuck you, man.”

“No, thanks. Unlike you, I have a beautiful woman to get home to.”

Holding up one finger, Ace deadpanned right back, “A woman I touched, with this finger right here.”

The smugness in Ace’s voice had clearly pissed Darkness off. “I’m gonna tag you back for that shit, the very first chance I get. Don’t think for a damned minute that being a fuckin’ cripple is gonna save you.”

“Cut it out, both of you,” Ryder barked. “The doc is on her way.”

Ace immediately bolted upright. “Is she really? I’m dying to get out of here. Is she young and sexy? I hope she had nice breasts. Gives a man something nice to look at while she works.”

Slapping him the back of the head, Ryder whispered, “She’s a doctor, not a fucking party favor. Get your head straight.” It truly pissed Ryder off that men were probably thinking that kind of shit about Tiffany when she was trying to help them. Then he remembered that he was one of those guys.

A slow smile spread over Ace’s face. “If I charm a doctor, that’ll beat your nurse all to hell.”