And hey, she wasn’t wrong.
Besides, I actually felt kind of energized from my win. So I made my way back out of the room, ready to finally pull my weight and do a guard shift while Bonnie rested.
“Wait… what?” Brooks asked, looking at me like I’d grown another head.
“Guard… shift?” I repeated.
“You’re volunteering for work?” Nave asked at Brooks’s side, brows pinched.
“It is my job.”
“Job,” Brooks repeated.
“You okay, man?” Nave asked, smirking at me. “You on something?”
“On what?” Dezi asked, coming out from the kitchen with a cheese danish in his hand. “You holding out on me?” he asked, looking at me. “Not cool, man. I share all my sweets with you.”
“I’m not on anything,” I said. “Though I haven’t forgotten about you taking that whole batch of edibles, man.”
“Hey, sometimes you gotta get high with your honey and fuck under the stars surrounded by donuts.”
“That’s… a lot more than I needed to know,” Brooks said with one of his long-suffering dad sighs I’d actually gotten kind of fond of over the years. “Anyway… fine. Take the glass room. Rune has been up there all day.”
“Got it,” I agreed, nodding.
“Oh, and Sully?” he called as I walked away.
“Yeah?” I asked, turning back.
“Think I like this girl for you.”
The crazy shit, I realized after he said it, I was pretty sure I did too.
All my muscles ached the next morning. None more than my inner thighs that I swear never stopped shaking in and around the shower with Sully.
He definitely proved me wrong, that was for sure.
I mean, I’d read books where the hero ‘fucked her unconscious,’ and I always thought it was a gross exaggeration and pure fantasy on the part of the author. Apparently… not so much.
I barely remembered getting dressed before I fell into bed and crashed hard. Being joined by Zima had been the most pleasant surprise.
Until I woke the next morning to find Sully asleep in the chair in the corner of the room.
“Sully?” I called, voice soft.
But he woke with a start, blinking at the dark room for a moment before glancing over at me.
“Hey, honey,” he said, giving me a sleepy smile that melted my heart.
“Why are you asleep in the chair?”
“Ask your guard dog there,” he said, nodding at Zima, who was doing an impressively long stretch.
“Big stretch,” I said, petting her behind the ear. “She didn’t growl at you, did she?”