Page 71 of Sully

“I don’t blame you. Those beaks are nightmare fuel,” she said, wincing. “I had a nightmare about one once.”

“Really? What did it do?”

“Pulled my earring out,” she said, doing a full-body shiver.

I’ll admit, I’d done some crazy shit; I’d experienced some gnarly shit. But, yeah, there was something about that earring thing that sent a shiver down my spine too.

“Right?” she asked, watching me.

“You get nightmares about all kinds of shit, huh?”

“Yeah. It was a lot of stuff like animals or monsters or stuff when I was a kid. As I got older, it became more about beinglost, about being chased, that sort of thing. I sleep better here, though,” she added.

“Had a couple nightmares here,” I reminded her.

“Yeah, but I normally keep falling back into them when I wake up. Until I eventually give up because then I’m too anxious to sleep. It’s not like that here.”

“Maybe it’s having… company when you sleep?” I suggested.

“I mean, that hasn’t done much in the past. Actually, I think it was worse. But that was different.”

I could hear between the words there.

Theywere different.

And that slice of hurt in her eyes didn’t leave much to the imagination. She’d dated some shitty guys in the past. Likely ones who used her anxiety against her. Or laughed it off. Or gave her even more shit to stress about.

“It’s because the dream baddies know I will kick their asses,” I said, lightening the mood again.

“That must be it,” she agreed, eyes warm. “Now that she’s settled for a bit, I’m going to go grab a quick shower.”

Oh, no.

Wewere going to have a nice, long shower.

But I let her go ahead and get started without me before making my way in.

I gave the bathroom door a quick knock, not wanting to send her into fight-or-flight by startling her.

“I’ll just be a few—“ she started to call. Until she saw the door opening. “Oh,” she said, breath sighing out.

Closing the door behind me, I reached to remove my shirt, loving how she didn’t even pretend not to be watching.

Her gaze followed my hands as I went to my pants, pushing them down. And, fuck, the way her breath caught when she found I was already hard made my desire grow.

“Want some company?” I asked, moving forward to reach into the medicine cabinet.

“Yes,” she whispered as I grabbed a condom before joining her.

She leaned her head back, washing the conditioner out of her hair as I placed the packet on one of the shelves on the wall while my gaze slid over her.

The water was scalding, making the skin over Bonnie’s chest go bright pink. But a different kind of heat crept across her cheeks as my hand slid down, closing around my cock and stroking it lazily.

A cute-as-fuck little whimper escaped her as she pressed her thighs tightly together, trying to ease the ache growing between.

“Remember our goal?” I asked, stepping closer until I had her pinned up against the shower wall. “How many was it?” I asked when she nodded.
