Page 68 of Sully

“Well, my reputation for one,” he admitted, looking a little bashful at that. “But mostly because I’ve been sleeping with you.”

“Oh, right,” I agreed, shaking my head at myself.

“Hey, we have bagels,” Sully said, nodding toward a brown bag on the counter. “You a butter or cream cheese girl?”

“Butter. And sesame, if there is one.”

With that, we went about having breakfast.

Until the front door opened and there was a man’s voice, along with a familiar clanging noise.

Almost like… collar tags knocking together.

“Sull, you up yet?”

At my pinched brow look, Sully shot me a megawatt smile.

“Got a little surprise for you.”

Another surprise?

Could this guy get any better?

The answer, of course, was yes.

Yes, he could.



I’d almost forgotten about the dog.

In my defense, fucking Bonnie had damn near been a life-altering experience.

Which was saying something because everyone knew that I was the sort who could never commit to a favorite meal, who liked to sample the whole menu.

So, yeah, there’d been a lot of sweaty fun in my life. And still, with all that to reference back to, it had been different with Bonnie. More intense. Unexpected.

Who’d have thought that all that soft, sweet, and timid would like things hard and rough, would melt and burn and, fuck, suck me off like it was something she’d been waiting to do for her whole damn life.


Just the memory had my cock trying to stir to life again.

And it damn sure wasn’t the time now.

“Coming,” I said, pressing a hand to the small of Bonnie’s back and pulling her with me out of the kitchen.

“Oh!” she gasped, mouth falling open before breaking into a big smile. “Hey, baby!” she cooed, all self-consciousness abandoned in the face of a cute dog.

She was cute, too.

She was a medium-sized dog with mostly white fur and patches of brown on her face and the middle of her back. Niro had been right; she looked like a mix of an Australian Shepherd and a Golden Retriever.

“Oh, aren’t you the prettiest thing,” Bonnie went on, making the dog’s impressively long and furry tail whip side to side. “You’re a sweet baby, aren’t you?” she asked as Niro released the leash to let the dog rush forward toward Bonnie, dropping down on the ground at her feet, offering up her belly.

“You little ham, you,” Bonnie cooed, dropping down on the floor as well, reaching into the dog’s thick fur. “Oh, you’re a mama, huh? Where are your babies?”