“Did someone say breakfast?” Dezi asked, appearing out of thin air, shirtless, and already snacking on a granola bar.
Did these guys ever go home?
“I guess you’re obligated now,” Sully said with a warm smile. “I’ll clean. You cook.”
It sounded positively… domestic.
“Okay,” I agreed, smiling.
“I stocked the place up yesterday,” one of the twins said.
“That’s Rune,” Sully explained, speaking of the twin with two dimples. “He’s older.”
“By four minutes,” the other brother, with the one dimple, declared.
“And that’s Croft,” Sully introduced. “Guys, this is Bonnie. Who even bakes her own bread with this living goo at her apartment.”
“You got sourdough?” Dezi asked, eyes bright. “I saw someone make a chocolate swirl sourdough bread. Ever make that?”
“Not yet. But that sounds like a fun experiment.”
“If I got you some starter, could you make it? I’ll pay you.”
“Dez,” Sully said in a warning voice.
“I mean it. My girl’s loaded. I’ll pay good money for some chocolate swirl bread.”
“You are under no obligation to make anything,” Sully said, seeming to know that I found it impossible to say no to people if they asked something of me. It was a huge part of the reason I’d needed to go no-contact with my family. Who knew it about me. And walked all over me because of it.
“I know,” I said, giving Sully a smile. “But it really does sound fun. I’ll make it. But you’re going to have to show me the video too.”
“Okay. What time is it? Think the bakery is open yet?” Dezi asked, patting his pockets to find his phone.
“They’re not gonna give you their sourdough, man,” Rune said.
“Me? Who keeps them in business? Sure they will. I’ll berightback,” Dezi said, holding a hand out at me, like he was willing me to stay put.
“I’ll be here,” I agreed, nodding. “He’s kind of like a puppy,” I declared once he was gone, nearly tripping over his own feet in his haste.
“Who has a rabid streak,” Voss said under his breath as he moved out the back door.
“Okay, so, breakfast,” Sully said, clapping his hands, making me jump. “Sorry. Hangover?” he asked.
Come to think of it, there was a pounding in my head. “Maybe a little,” I admitted.
“Gotta hydrate,” Sully said, slinging an arm over my shoulders and pulling me along with him into the kitchen. “Lucky for you, I am a connoisseur of all things electrolytes. I’ve got the classics: lemon-lime, fruit punch, and grape. I have the fun tropicals. I even have mocktails. And, yes, if you’re wondering, I do sometimes shake a little packet into my actual cocktail to make shit interesting.”
“I can always go for some lemon-lime,” I told him as I went over to the fridge to see what they had in stock. Which was… everything.
So I took out some eggs, veggies, cheese, and a package of bacon, found the pancake mix, then got to work.
Sully made me an electrolyte drink, then turned on some music and started cleaning.
“So was that okay?” Sully asked, making my belly tighten, thinking he was talking about the almost kiss.
“What?” I asked.
“Last night. The girls. I thought it would be more fun if we had some company.”