Page 110 of Sully

Brooks turned the news on the TV, turning on the captions for those of us who were still struggling to hear, and we all stood around for the next hour watching the reports come in.

Thankfully, the moron hadn’t hurt any of the neighbors, though they were all clearly really shaken up.

The initial speculation was to be expected.

A meth lab.

They weren’t exactly common in the area, but when a house exploded, your mind usually went one of two ways: gas leak or meth lab.

Eventually, the truth would roll out. The nitroglycerin. And anything else that may have survived.

But by then, the public wouldn’t care anymore.

And the NBPD was likely going to conclude the guy was a domestic terrorist who’d been plotting to blow up a building or something.

I was kind of relieved, in a sad way, that Chris’s team told me that Will’s parents were already dead. They wouldn’t have to grieve losing another son.

We all stayed there for hours, no one willing to finally relax until we knew for sure that it was over.

Eventually, we saw the crawl on the screen saying they’d gotten word that body parts had been found inside the residence. And that the station had linked the residence to a rental company who’d claimed a man named Will Antone had been staying there.

“Well, that’s done,” Fallon said, clamping a hand on my shoulder. “All that fussing and you didn’t have to kill anyone,” he said, with a teasing smirk. “You should go get your girl.”

After I removed all my guns and handed over all my clothing to Brooks to be destroyed—just in case—I showered, got some coffee in me, then drove my ass up to Hailstorm on my bike to get my girl.



Bonnie - 1 Day

“You’re not serious,” I said when we finally made our way out of the front doors of Hailstorm.

It wasn’t as easy as just getting up and following him home when he showed up at my bedside.

Mostly because I was still gloriously drunk, which we found out when I’d tried to stand up and all but knocked us both over.

So instead of leaving, a very exhausted-looking Sully kicked off his shoes and climbed into the bed with me, both of us dropping off in seconds and sleeping until the sounds of Hailstorm waking up forced us to get up as well.

“Where’s everyone?” I asked, sipping the water that was left on my nightstand. Well, not sipping. I was straight-up chugging it. I felt as dry as a corn husk from the inside out.

“Best guess? Brunch. Somewhere other than here. Gracie left a note,” he said, plucking a note off the pillow on the bed that had been hers.

“She’s a doll,” I concluded.

“The fucking heart of the girls’ club,” Sully agreed. “Yep… brunch. Oh, with Vi. Guess she’s back.”

“With a sunburn,” I confirmed.

“You had fun with the girls, huh?” he asked, shooting me a knowing smile.

“Maybe a little too much fun,” I said, done with my water, so I reached up to rub my temples to try to ease the ache banging there.

“Yeah, gotta learn to pace yourself with Layna’s heavy pours. She’s lethal. Let’s get you some more hydration, food, and some ibuprofen.”

“In a minute.”

“Okay,” he said, watching me. “You okay?”