“She woke up atfive?” Layna asked. “Blasphemous.”
“Where are you going?”
“Basement. I need a bed. Come on,” she said.
The two of them gathered their blankets and made their way to the basement. Where, apparently, there were beds for some reason.
Alone, Sully’s fingers kept moving up and down my thigh, then started to slip over my hip and up my back.
It was a chaste touch, all things considered, but my desire was a wildfire burning through me. My breath went fast and shallow, my skin warmed, and an ache grew in my core.
When his fingers slid up under my shirt and touched my bare skin, a little mewling sound escaped me.
Sully’s other hand lifted, sliding up my jaw, then tilted my head up.
My breath caught and my heart fluttered at the warm look in his eye, at the intent I saw there as his gaze dipped to my lips, then back up again.
I swear my whole body tingled as his head dipped and his lips started to brush mine.
Then just like that, the front door opened.
“The fuck is this fire hazard shit?” a voice asked, making me fly away from Sully just before the overhead light flashed on. “Oh,” the man said, glancing between me and Sully.
“‘Sup, Voss?” Sully asked, raking a hand through his hair as he let out a sigh. “Early, isn’t it?”
“Or late,” Voss said with a barely perceptible twitch to his lips. “Here to relieve the twins.”
“Right,” Sully said, nodding.
The moment, it seemed, was gone.
Sully stood, leaning over and starting to put the lids on the candles that had them, then blowing out the ones that didn’t.
I sat there, watching the gray smoke dance around under one of the closed candle lids before it died down, wishing my desire could extinguish that quickly.
The ache between my thighs only seemed to intensify with each passing moment as I turned to watch Sully moving around, still in his ridiculous duster over his equally absurd Hawaiian shirt with little kittens on it.
“Was that Layna’s car out front?” Voss asked.
“She and Luna are sleeping off the tequila in the basement,” Sully said, grabbing pillows off the floor.
“Are you… cleaning?” another voice asked, coming in from the back door this time.
I glanced over just in time to see the ‘twins’ Voss had mentioned moving into the common room. Both were tall and fit with tanned, golden skin, impeccable bone structure, and dark eyes.
The one in the back smiled, revealing two deep dimples. “You got a fever or something, man?” he asked, making his brother chuckle, revealing another dimple, but just one this time.
So he really was as allergic to chores as he’d claimed if these guys were ribbing him so hard about cleaning up a few pillows and blankets.
“Yeah, but what the fuck happened in that kitchen?” another man asked as he came out of the kitchen.
“I’ll clean that,” I offered, pulling the duster more tightly around my body, suddenly wishing I still had my sweatshirt on around all these strangers.
“No,” the men chorused, making me stiffen.
Sully held a hand up toward them. “And by that, honey, they mean my ass will clean up the mess.”
“Okay. Well, can I maybe make breakfast then?” I asked.