Page 44 of Sully

“Oh, speaking of sex workers. Did you see Tammy’s new post?”

“Who is Tammy?” Luna asked.

“Big Tit Tammy,” Layna declared.

“What?” Luna asked, eyes going comically round.

“She’s a sex worker who does a bunch of posts on social media about her escapades,” Gracie said. “A fact I know against my will, I must add. Layna plays her podcast in the car whenever we go anywhere.”

“Hey, we have to support the girls who are doing good.”

“What kind of good?” Luna asked, dubious.

“Well, for one, she tested out that new sex toy I was considering getting and said it was a waste of money. So, there’s that.”

“Okaaaay,” Gracie said, sighing. “Movie. On now. Please.”

Sully, smiling at the girls, did as requested.

The movie played.

We finished our drinks.

We snacked.

Slowly but surely, all the girls started to pull down their blankets and snuggle in.

Sully pulled one off the back of the couch, spreading it across the two of us.

And maybe I was feeling just warm and fuzzy enough to lean into him. And maybe when he reached for my legs to pull them across his lap, I helped him along.

But before I could enjoy much more of the closeness, of the intimacy, the tequila went quickly from ‘fuzzy and fun’ to ‘bone-deep tired.’

I was asleep before the frogs started to invade the aunts’ home.

With Sully’s arms around me.



“I take back everything nice I said about this chair,” Layna grumbled, pulling me from a deep, pleasant sleep.

Looking over, I saw her trying to unfold from the chair she’d clearly fallen asleep in some time before.

“Ow, fuck. Damnit,” she grumbled, then there was a thud as she fell to the floor.

“Shhh,” Luna hissed. “You’re gonna wake up Bonnie and Sully.”

“Where’s Gracie?” Layna asked.

“She snuck out a few minutes ago so she could shower before meeting Willa.”

“What time is it?” Layna asked in what she seemed to think was a whisper, but was probably louder than her speaking voice.

As she spoke, Sully’s fingers started to drift up and down my thigh under the blankets, letting me know I wasn’t the only one awake and eavesdropping.
