Page 37 of Sully

“Courtney said a week. But it could be longer if she decides I’m not ready to be back.”

“It’s probably good to take it easy for a few days with your bumped noggin,” I told her. “And I’m sure your boss can handle things. It is her business, after all.”

“Yeah,” Bonnie agreed. “I just feel bad, I guess.”

“Nothing to feel bad about. This happenedtoyou. I should be the one feeling guilty.” And I did. But I had a feeling Bonnie would overthink that if I told her. “I did have an idea for getting out of the clubhouse today, though,” I told her, watching the tension return to her shoulders.


“To go get some stuff from your place,” I told her, watching the conflicting emotions play out across her face. Because she wanted to stay holed up here. But she was clearly very attached to her things. “Just a quick trip. But we’re gonna bring a few of the guys to hang out in the car and hallway, just for extra precaution.”

“Okay,” she agreed, nodding. “I can be really quick.”

“Or take as long as you need,” I said. “I’m gonna go get some coffee. Want something?”

“Coffee sounds good?”

“Cream and sugar? Maybe a little extra?” I asked because, from my experience, everyone wanted their coffee a little sweeter and lighter than they would openly admit.

“Yes, please,” she said, eyes warm.

“And if I’m not mistaken, that is Dezi’s voice,” I said as I got closer to the door. “Which means there’s gonna be some sort of sweets out there.”

“At this hour?” she asked, glancing at the clock.

“Bakery opens at five. I’m pretty sure Dezi stands there waiting, drooling like a dog.”

With that, I made my way out of the room.

“I brought donuts,” Dezi declared as I walked into the kitchen, dragging a little laugh out of me. “They’re still warm,” he added, holding one in each hand.

There were four boxes on the counter.

“Leave any for anyone else?” Nave asked as he walked in, unzipping his hoodie. Judging by his heavy eyes, he’d been on guard duty.

“The bakery knows to expect me,” Dezi said, shrugging.

“How’s the girl?” Nave asked, going straight to the coffee maker, pouring the contents into a carafe, then starting a new pot.

“She’s good. We’re gonna go to her place to get some of her shit. Her boss called to give her off while she recovers from her ‘accident.’”

“That’s good,” Nave decided. “The next shift is on their way in now. So, you can take me if you want.”

“You need some sleep.”

“Eh,” Nave said, shrugging. “I’ll get there eventually. Perish will be game too. Be good to make sure nothing looks amiss at her place sooner rather than later.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “Just gonna caffeinate her and feed her sugar,” I said, grabbing a few donuts and sticking them on a plate. “Then we will probably get going. Get it over with.”

I finished making the coffees and then brought everything back into my room, finding Bonnie coming back out of the bathroom. Behind her, a new toothbrush was in the holder with one of the little caps on it. Next to mine. And for some reason, that sight alone had a strange tight sensation moving across my chest.

“I played it safe on the donuts,” I told her. “Who doesn’t like glazed and chocolate frosted?”

“My favorites. And the occasional jelly. But only sugared, not powdered.”

“That works out then. Because Dezi prefers the powdered. And, trust me, you stand no chance getting a jelly donut from him if he wants it.”

We drank our coffee and ate our donuts while talking about where she lived, and how the whole heading there thing would look. I got the impression that she was someone who felt a lot more comfortable about a situation when she knew all the details about it.