Page 6 of Luna: HERmerta

“Giulia if I may?” She nods her head taking a seat once more.

“I would like to know what this has to do with Pruszkow?” he looks at me and smirks.

“Ah that is easy. Everyone knows your organization is merely a flick of dust now. My intel says it is you, your brother and maybe ten other men. You cannot run a city, not a territory with that amount of people. I would like to offer you a place with my organization.” Is he serious?

“And what is it you want?” I am not in any way considering this, but I want to see what he is thinking so I can gauge what kind of problem he is going to be when I turn him down.

“That is simple. I want your supplier for the alcohol and your clubs.” I figured. I plan on giving him neither and as we speak the club is being cleared out and the women given new identities and relocated. My uncle was a pig, and he treated those women as such. However, I am going to tell him that.

“I see. Give me time to think it over.” he nods, smirking at me like he knows it is a foregone conclusion.

“Now if we are done with that answer my question. What is the merchandise?” Giulia jumps right back in. Claus is obviously offended at her question and if I had to guess her obviousdismissal of his failure to answer her. He slams his hand on the table, and I respect that she doesn’t flinch an inch.

“I don’t answer to some cunt…” The man that is with him moves closer to the table like he is going to do something. Everyone that came in with her stands ready to pounce including my woman which is fucked because if he touches one hair on her head I will fucking end him.

“Was it supposed to scare me?” she asks, motioning for everyone to sit.

“Fucking Hündin.” Whatever that means he spits at her and the air in the room changes. I feel like everyone from her camp holds their breath and from the corner of my eye I see my brother getting itchy.

“It’s okay Claus. I know your 11x12 containers that were coming out of the Byrne’s dock were intercepted by ATF and Interpol. I know that when they opened it, it was full of young girls as young as twelve that you had trafficked from overseas. But I also know you didn’t use your name or your organization, so they don’t know it was you yet. So to answer your question you piece of shit, no. My docks will not how you run your disgusting business. Now if you will excuse me.”

I begin to stand when he starts shouting at her, calling her disrespectful names. I am getting pissed off now because she has earned her respect, so this is bullshit. She remains calm and her people open the door. I think she is going to walk out when a hush comes over the room, people begin moving with purpose and before I know what is happening, I see a glint of steel, and it makes me a moment to realize she is swinging her sword and suddenly blood squirts everywhere and Claus’s head is rolling onto the floor. The man beside him jumps back, and shouts. When she raises her sword once more, he puts up his hands and shakes his head moving back.

“Holy shit,” Piotr says beside me in a whisper. My mouth I know is wide open. I mean I heard the rumors, and it is not that I doubted it, but I assumed it was hyperbole, but this, this is badass and real. How does she do this pregnant and all?

“Well shit,” one of the guards says walking into the room.

“Don’t worry fellas. I will have this cleaned up. She turns to my brother and me. “Are you going to be a problem because I would rather take care of it now, kind of a two for one deal.” Damn.

“No. No problems,” I say moving back. She looks at me and then at Luna.

“Something tells me the problem has yet to be sorted.” How the hell does she know?




Wellthat just went FUBAR in more ways than one. How the hell did I not know? I mean my mind is going crazy right now trying to think back to all of our time together to see if there were signs I missed but I honestly don’t think so. However that is not going to stop the scrutiny from Giulia who I am getting into the car with right now. It's bad enough she still has doubts over my loyalty when it comes to the family versus my father, but this is going to tip it.

Waiting behind Martina to get into the car is like waiting in line to decide if God is going to let you into heaven or send you downstairs. Once I am inside and seated, Giulia waits for the door to close before tuning her attention towards me.

“What the fuck was that?” she asks, her face pissed. I contemplate for one second lying and acting as if I don't know what she is asking but I decide against it.

“I honestly have no idea,” I tell her because it is true. What the hell has been happening over the last four months.

“Are you trying to tell me you had no idea the man you have been fucking was the new leader of the Pruskow?” God when she says it like that I feel like an incompetent idiot.

“I really didn’t. It was a casual thing, and we exchanged no information or knew where each other lived. We kept everything close to the vest.” not close enough to keep my heart out of it and that has never been more evident than right now when the dread hits me, and my heart begins to splinter in half knowing what I am going to have to do.

“Of all the stupid shit…” She is cut off by Martina.

“G, I seem to recall someone falling for an FBI agent who turned out to be from an Italian hitman family.” Giulia gives Martina this annoyed look, but I do see her shoulder deflate some. She turns to me, and she no longer looks like she wants to behead me.

“Okay. She’s right. It’s easy to get lost in the heart and have your mind follow suit.” I jerk back.

“No I’m not…I mean we have just been,” she gives me a look of pity because she knows what I am realizing. “Oh fuck.” she nods.