“He told us not to kill you. He wanted the one you were with.” I hear Wictor growl behind me.
“Who is he?” The hairs on my arms begin to stand up because I know what he is going to say before he says it.
“Your father.” Everyone around me gasps and curses. The blood begins to drain from my face because it seems it's time.
“Where is he?” I need to do this while I have the will. He begins to fade, and I start to panic. “Hey, Malkom, where is he?” I smack him so hard the warehouse rings out. His eyes open for a split second, long enough for him to say..
“Burr ridge. Sutia Moon,” and then he is gone. I am racking my mind trying to figure out what the hell he would be doing in Burr Ridge.
“What do you want to do?” Dalian asks. Looking at him first, I turn to everyone else.
“Time to strap up guys. We’re going hunting.” Walking out of the building I pull out my phone and call Giulia.
“Glad to see you survived.” she says rather dryly.
“Sorry. There were matters to tend to. I am calling to let you know we got him.”
“Are you sure?” he voice has perked up.
“Yes. I got a location. I just need you to have this name searched.” I give her the name that was given to me.
“You will have it within the hour. Luna, are you ready?” How the fuck does someone get ready to kill their own father? But, considering I don’t have a choice, I answer her with as much confidence as I can.
“Good. Then bring me back a souvenir.” She says. I didn’t think she expected anything less.
Well shit.I am such an asshole. Here we are about to hunt down and kill my woman’s father and I am harder than a fucking piece of concrete watching her torture someone. She is a badass my Luna. Looking at her dark features, hair the color of coal and skin the color of creamed caramel, she looks like a woman who would cut a man’s dick off, but underneath that exterior, is a softie who wants to be normal and have a normal life.
“Wictor I am assuming we are riding out with her?” My brother hits me on my shoulder.
“Yes. Call in Oopa and have him get this place cleaned up. Are you loaded?” He smiles and shakes his head.
“What kind of question is that? Of course I am.” Excellent.
“Then let’s go hunting.”
In the car behind her, we follow her through this posh town, stuffed full of mansions and estates. Not one single piece of property is less than a million dollars, but the people in them are properly clueless about who lives next to them.
The car slows down and we creep up to a sidewalk where I assume has to be down the way from our destination. I park behind them and get out. Walking right up to my love, I put her face in my hands and kiss her. “Are you ready for this?” She givesme a weary smile and nods her head. “Baby I can do this, and we just say you did. We don’t have to tell anyone.” I would do this for her. I would do anything for her.
“No. I have to do it. Have to be the one to shed his blood to avenge the rest of them.” She’s so fucking strong. I just don’t think she knows how much.
“Alright then baby. Let’s do this.” Nodding, she leans and kisses me before turning her attention back to everyone else.
“Dalian, you can lead your team through the rear of the house. Serena takes two with you and goes west and Patrizia you take two and go east. Wictor, Piotr and I will go through the front. Everyone put your comms in. Is everyone loaded?” We all answer in the affirmative. “Then let’s go get this over with.”
Lacing our fingers together, we walk the path to the front door. Immediately I heard gunfire from the back of the house. Her hand squeezes in mine and I know she is getting anxious, but the gunfire drawing the attention to the back is giving us a slight advantage. When we make it to the door, she nods at me, and I kick it open. We draw our guns from our backs, each of us taking up an angle of the foyer.
“Baby we should..” I want to stay beside her, but she shakes her head.
“Wic please go up to the left, Piotr takes the basement. I will clear this floor.” My instinct is to protest, demand she let me come with her, but I know she needs this so instead I pull her into my arms and kiss her.