Page 8 of Luna: HERmerta

“Did you know? Is that what this was you trying to get the upper hand on me. On us?” is she fucking serious. “Did you know who I was when…”

“When I was trying like hell to put my child inside of you, baby. Did I know when you were bouncing up and down on top of me begging me not to stop and sucking come from my dick. Is that what you mean?” My response momentarily stuns her. “I could be asking you the same thing. Did you know?” She lowers her arm a bit, her shoulders losing a lot of tension.

“No. I didn’t know, but I should have.” Ah, I see. She is beating herself up. Taking a chance I lower my arms and walk closer to her. Her hands raise but I am not going to acquiesce. This moment is too important.

“I didn’t have my love, but it would have changed nothing.” Finally she lowers her gun and looks at me with so much sadness.

“How can you say that? This changes everything. You are trying to kill us. I am going to have to…” before she can finish that statement I close in on her, cradle her face and seal my mouth to hers. As usual she melts into me, her hands gripping the front of my shirt. Slowly I grip the gun and remove it from her hands tossing it behind us, before wrapping my arms around her.

We stay like this for minutes just clinging to one another before I pull back and put my forehead on hers. “It’s going to be okay baby.” tears are rolling down her face, but she looks at me.

“How can you say that?”

“Because I love you and I am in love with you. There is no way I am going to lose you.” Or you I think to myself slightly grazing across her stomach.

“So what are we going to do?”

“We are finally going to go out in public, find a place to sit and eat and talk.” she laughs, wiping her face and shaking her head at me.

“You are always talking about food.” smiling against her lips I kiss the hero once more and nod my head.

“Hell yeah. I’m a growing boy.” She giggles before nodding her head.

“Okay. Let’s go talk.” Thank fuck because the other option involved ropes, tape and the back of my car.




I haveno idea what I am doing but I know I can't let him go. Even though I didn’t say it back, I am in love with him as well and when he mentioned me possibly being pregnant, my mind for one second allowed itself to believe I could have this.

“Is this good?” he asks, pulling up to a Mexican restaurant. I smile realizing he remembers me saying my favorite food was Mexican.

“Smells delicious.” Oh man, I smell Birria. Grabbing my hand, he laces our fingers together and we walk side by side into the restaurant. Immediately my stomach begins to rumble.

“Welcome to Birria Paradise. What can I get for you?” I basically order all the things and tell him I will split it with him. Laughing he pulls out his wallet and pays. We find a table and sit in front of one another. He grabs my hands and pulls them across the table toward him.

“So…” he says, kissing my hands. “If you could choose a life what would it be?”

“A life without this. I have always been a little unsure of my path, but I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I would be a mom and a wife.” he nods and rubs circles around my hand.

“What would you say I want those same things but with you?” Tears form in my eyes because that is music to my ears, but I don’t see it.

“I am in love with you Wictor. There I said it. But even with those words spoken, we are enemies. For fuck sake your family is…” he stops me with his fingers over my lips.

“My cousin Jakub…” My eyes get big realizing what he is about to say. Surely he is not talking about the Jakub married to Giulia’s sister Chiara. “Yes, that Jakub.” he says, reading my mind. “He asked me out here from Poland to take down the rest of the organization and dismantle it once and for all. I am not here to resurrect anything, Milosc. I am here to stump it into the ground.”

My mind is buzzing putting the pieces together of what he is saying. If he is telling the truth, in a weird sort of way we are on the same side. “I don't have a comeback for that. I wasn’t expecting.." Before I can finish my thought, a whizzing sound goes past me and then I hear it, gunshots. Wictor and I look at one another for a second before we are screaming at everyone to get down and we do the same. “Are you packing?” I ask him, reaching for both of my guns, one from my ankle and the other from my back.

“You fucking know it.” Then we nod at one another and sit up. Standing, he walks toward the hail of bullets and begins firing on them. I swoop in from behind catching them in their blind spot and fire into the car. Speeding off they try to evade. “Get in.” Victoria says, opening his car door. Around us there is mayhem people screaming, blood everywhere, but our eyes are zeroed in on the car trying to get away.

“Can you get us closer?” I ask unbuckling my seatbelt. He nods but he also grinds his teeth pissed because he knows what I am about to do. I pull my body out of the window and sit on the sill with my legs inside the car. “Closer.” I demand. Whenhe is close enough, I feel the bullet soar past me. “That’s right motherfuckers. I’m coming up on you.” I growl before both my hands point to the car and I begin firing at the tires.

“Damn baby, your aim is amazing.” Smiling to myself I tell him.

“Yeah my dad taught all of us to shoot and how to evade.”