“Well shit,”I curse looking at my sleeves in disgust. I am covered in blood from this pussy ass motherfucker Bartek who is currently slowly dying in a chair cemented to the basement floor.
“Hmhmh,” he grunts. I turn and punch him once more before nodding my head at Jan.
“Finish this filth. I need to go to see my brother.” As usual when I get a moment to myself. My mind always drifts to Luna. I need her more and more everyday fucking day. I just have to figure out how to convince her.
Pulling up to my house, I am met by my brother Piotr. “Braciszek.” He addresses me, calling me brother. As always we embrace. It is how we have always been. My brother is my best friend, my partner in crime, my partner in all things. Our parents were great and bestowed love and affection on us teaching that emotion, family and embracing one another is not weak. The day they left the earth; we clung to one another vowing to hold what they taught with utmost reverence.
“How are things going?” I ask, walking into the house and looking around. Slowly we have been picking those off one by one, but we have also been searching the house for anything that may be of use or information of any kind. We are trying to findout anything we can about the things he was involved in and with who so it can be dismantled
“Well. I have Aleksy and Bazyli going through his books. So far we have found important notes about his alliance with the Irish.” my eyebrows raise because that is shocking. The Irish normally don’t like to work with outsiders.
“Which family is it?”
“The Byrne’s.”
“What the fuck? What are they doing out here?” They almost never leave Boston or New York.
“Seems Mikolaj gave them ten percent of his docks in exchange for usage of their ships.” Shit.
“Do I want to know what for?”
“No.” he says, his nostrils flaring.
“Alright. Do we know where this meeting is taking place?”
“Yes. It will be at a neutral location. Lincoln Park Meeting room.”
“Alright then. Let’s get this over with.” My mind should be on what is ahead but all I can think about is my Luna. My mind is buzzing with how to get her into my home, and in my life as more than a passing fuck because to me she is more.
The drive goes by fast, my brother and I in the back seat and Aleksy and Bazyli in the front. They are our best friends from back home who came over here with us two years ago, when my grandfather was slain. We came here swearing vengeance thinking it was another faction only to find out it was my uncle. By the time we made it, Jakub had cut out the heart of the snake.
When all was said and done, we were prepared to go back to Polska, where my family business is, which is something they are also a part of. In Poland we are known as the Mafia Zielinska but then Jakub asked for my help. I offered to send them back to our mother country, but they refused to leave us here without them. They are loyal and know what it means.
We pull up to the venue and all four of us vacate the vehicle. Of course we all look around, checking for an ambush or anything that looks suspect and we are all satisfied, we walk inside. There are hired guards at the door that belong to neither faction. I recognize one. He was in Poland rescuing a girl who had been trafficked.
“Jorgensen.” I say, holding out my hand.
“Zielinska, I am surprised to see you here. I thought your base of operation was in Polska.”
“It is, but I am out here taking care of some last-minute things for my family.” He grunts and holds out his hand.
“All weapons at the door.” I look at him first like he is joking but he simply stares at me. That makes me a bit twitchy. “Look, I have been hired by all sides to make sure this remains…neutral. So check your weapons at the door.” I look at my brother and note his inclined head.
“Jakub called and said he gave his consent since we are here on his behalf.” Well shit. It would have been nice if someone told me. Reluctantly, I cock my chamber and put on the safety before putting it into the box. Subtly I check my ear comms to make sure the guys can hear us outside.
“Are y’all on alert.”
“Yeah Wic. We heard.” Nodding, I walk into the conference room, and I see we are the first ones here, so we don’t have to be announced.
Sitting in silence I have a second to think about my love and how she would react to finding out who I am. Someone as precious and vulnerable as she is, would she understand? Could she live with who I am? Could I see myself staying here indefinitely?
“Schäfer Syndicate.” I stand when one of the guards announces the Deutsche Mafia or as known in America, the German Mafia. The Schäfer’s are pretty widely known thoughthey have less of hold then the DeSantis but formidable, nonetheless. I am curious however, why they called this meeting and what they are doing here in Chicago? Their territory is in Pennsylvania.
“My name is Claus.” I assume he is the leader. He introduces himself in a heavy accent, holding his hand out.
Taking the gesture I introduce myself. “I am Wictor of Polska.” he nods his head and looks around.