“You mean about my daddy issues?”
A sheepish smile touched his lips. “Yeah. About your daddy issues. I’m sorry. That was way out of bounds. It was a?—”
“Cheap shot?”
“Yeah. It was a cheap shot. And you didn’t deserve that.”
“No, I didn’t,” I say. “But thank you for saying so.”
A moment of silence passes between us, and the thick fog of tension that marked his entry into my dorm room begins to lift, allowing the sunshine to filter through once more.
“Are we good?” he asks.
“Yeah. We’re good.”
“I’m glad.”
“How long are you back for?” I ask.
“Couple of weeks,” he replies. “Then I’ll be overseas for a few months to finish the lecture series.”
“And after that?”
He shrugs. “To be determined.”
His words strike a note of alarm inside of me. I’ve never been without my big brother, and the thought of him moving overseas fills me with a sense of dread. I mean, if it’s a good opportunity, of course, I’m excited for him. But the thought of not having my big brother around is a bitter pill to swallow.
“Are you thinking of going over permanently?” I ask.
“They haven’t offered me a permanent post yet.”
“But if they did?”
“It’s something I’d have to think about.”
“Wow,” I say. “That … I mean, I’m happy for you and proud of you, of course?—”
“I know. We’ve lived our whole lives within five miles of each other. The idea of being thousands of miles away is tough.”
“It is. But if you love it over there?—”
“I do.”
“And if it’s a good opportunity?—”
“It is. Or it would be if they offer me the post.”
“It would be hard, but if that’s where your heart leads you, then I support you one hundred percent,” I tell him.
“I appreciate that,” he says. “And it’s taken me a little while to come around, but I see now that I need to support you no matter where your heart leads you.”
“Thank you, Derek,” I reply. “Speaking of which?—”
“Yeah, I talked to Slater already. We’re good.”
“Good. I’m glad,” I reply. “Hey, why don’t you come out with us tonight? I think we’re just going to dinner, but why don’t you come with us?”
“I don’t want to intrude.”