“I want you to… fuck me with your fingers.” Moving her hips, she whimpers, “Please.”
“Like this?” I work one finger inside, then a second, still thumbing her clit as I massage her slick walls. She’s whimpering, almost sobbing, the water splashing with every desperate jerk of her hips.
“Yes, just like that.” Her voice is tight, strained. “I love it. Yes, don’t stop.”
“How’s that pussy feel?” Nix asks me.
“Getting tighter,” I announce, working faster, going deeper as my knuckles hit her swollen flesh with every stroke. Her cries rise in pitch and desperation until she’s squealing, almost shrieking, humping my hand until finally, she clenches tight and goes still with her mouth hanging open, her eyes squeezed shut.
And then it breaks with an ecstatic cry before she sinks back into the tub, panting weakly. I still feel her pulsing around me, fluttering in the aftermath, and I help her ride it out as long as I can before she relaxes with a happy sigh.
I don’t know why, but there’s a sense of pride that rears up in me as I look down at her, crashed out in the tub, dizzy and breathless after what we made her do. “Wow,” she sighs, her lips curving in a satisfied smile.
Nix presses a kiss against her temple before standing up. The sight of his bulge sticking out in front of him tells me he’s going through it the way I am, wanting to do more, holding himself back. It’s for her sake, and I can’t imagine anyone else I’d suffer this kind of discomfort for. Self-control has never been my thing, and I sure as hell know that’s true for my brother.
But she’s worth it. I’m starting to wonder if she has what it takes to turn us into the men we’re capable of becoming.
I keep my thoughts to myself, pondering the idea while Leni finishes her bath. Once she’s done, we help her from the tub and dry her off before wrapping her in a fluffy robe.
“What else would you like to do tonight?” I ask with a wicked grin that makes her blush.
“Right now, I feel like I could go to sleep—but I don’t want to,” she adds when I’m about to tell her to do that. “Maybe we could finish watching the show we started on Tuesday?”
“You know, I was just wondering how the contestants did during bread week,” Nix muses. The funny thing is, I can’t tell if he’s serious or joking. He did seem sort of into it.
“Then I guess that’s what we do,” I decide. “Let’s order some Chinese from the place around the corner. It’s been a while since we’ve gotten it from there.”
It helps that she likes it so much and that her face lights up the way it does. What is it about her that leaves me scrambling around, trying to come up with ways to make her happier?
She’s Leni. It’s as simple as that.
Within the hour, we’re back where we started a few days ago, watching TV together, now sharing food from the takeout containers arranged on the coffee table.
“I don’t understand why they can’t give these people air conditioning when it’s hot outside,” Leni mumbles around a mouthful of lo mein. “They want them to sculpt chocolate, but everything’s melting. How are they supposed to compete under these conditions?”
I have to grin at how serious she takes it, and Nix is smiling when he meets my gaze over the top of her head.
And just like back on Tuesday, before all hell broke loose, I wonder if we could make this last. The three of us here, living together, sharing each other’s lives. Me and my brother focused on making her happy. Could we make it work?
Feeling the way I do right now, I hope we do. I really hope we do.
I don’t waituntil the water turns all the way hot before I step under the spray of the shower. My body jolts in shock and a shiver shoots down my spine as the cool water hits my skin. I breathe through the urge to get back out until the water turns warm and then slowly hot. My muscles relax, and I sigh into the steaming air.
The last few days passed in a blur. I feel like a robot going to school and participating in classes, while a threat continuously looms over us. I try to act normal, but I must be a bad actress because both Colt and Nix constantly ask me if I’m all right. I tell them I’m fine, but we all know it’s a lie.
How can I be fine when our lives are a complete clusterfuck right now?
I wet my hair and wash it with my favorite shampoo before I shave my legs and armpits. Lathering my body with shower gel, I massage it into my skin while remembering how the guys gave me a bath the other day. They have never been that gentle withme before and though it has been nice to see this softer side of them, something about it feels off.
I feel like the guys are not being themselves around me. It’s like they are pretending to be someone they are not.
Are they trying to change who they are for me?
While I rinse off, I let the question run through my mind. What if that’s exactly what they are doing? Somehow that thought makes me sad. I don’t want them to change. But why? Why in the heck would I not want them to change?