When she doesn’t respond, I sit up and move closer to her so I can swipe her hair from her face. Her eyes are closed, her mouth slack. She looks like she is peacefully sleeping. I sigh in relief.
“I think she is fine,” I murmur, more to myself than anyone.
Colt doesn’t seem satisfied. He shakes her shoulder slightly. “Leni!”
“Mmmhhh,” she finally answers with a moan, then adds a single word, “Tired.”
“All right, go to sleep. We’ll clean you up,” Colt coos before getting up from the bed.
He grabs some boxers and puts them on before disappearing into the bathroom. I get up and grab some underwear and shorts myself. By the time I’m dressed, Colt returns with a wet washcloth and a dry towel.
I take the warm washcloth and carefully clean between Leni’s legs. Her pussy is red and angry and small whimpers fall from her lips as I wash her. When I’m done cleaning her up. Colt comes after me with a dry towel.
Once she is all done, we gently position her in the center of the bed so her head is lying on the pillow. I take the folded up comforter and cover Leni up with it. A smile crosses her lips as she cuddles deeper into the bed.
My own lips curl up as I take her cute form in. My chest swells and something warm spreads inside of me. A feeling I’ve been trying to suppress for a long time. A feeling I’m not supposed to feel, not for her, my brother’s girlfriend.
As if Colt can read my mind, he shakes his head at me. “It’s okay to love her.”
I’m about to deny loving her, but the words get stuck in my throat. I can’t lie to him, not now, not ever.
“We can’t both love her,” I whisper, not wanting to wake Leni up.
“Why not? She wants us both.” Colt doesn’t even bother keeping his voice down. I look down at Leni, who is still passed out.
“She doesn’t love me,” I quip, letting the pain of that realization slice through me. She loves Colt, and that’s not going to change. Jealousy burns a hole in my chest. I lift my hand and rub the spot as if it could alleviate the hurt.
“I think you are wrong,” Colt muses, but I ignore him.
“There is no way Leni loves me, not after what I’ve done to her.” Jealousy fades and guilt settles in my bones. Why do I have to be so fucked up? Why can’t I keep the darkness inside of me in check, hidden from the world? Hidden from her.
“We both did fucked up things to her, and she forgave me. She’ll forgive you too,” Colt tries to assure me.
“I killed her mom,” I point out, letting the whole weight of that dire mistake rest on my shoulder.
“By accident. You didn’t know she was in the house.” Colt tries to make light of the situation, but there is no sugar coating what I did.
“Accident or not. It’s my fault she is dead and then I killed again…” I let my head hang low in shame. I’m not sorry for killing Dennis and Deborah, but I shouldn’t have done it in front of Leni.
“For her. You killed them to protect Leni, and she knows it.”
I’m still standing next to the bed, looking down at some spot on the carpet when Colt climbs into bed and settles next to Leni. I glance up at them, realizing in shock that Leni’s eyes are open. She doesn’t say anything, but I know she heard everything we talked about.
Her eyes are soft and her smile sweet when she lifts an arm and holds out her hand to me. “Come on,” she whispers, bending her fingers to motion for me to lie with her.
I climb into the bed, lying down next to her, I place my hand into hers. She wraps her slender fingers around mine and pulls me closer.
Colt is cuddling her from behind, being the big spoon, but I’m face to face with her, which I like even better.
She grabs hold of my other hand, bringing both of them to her chest, where I can feel her heart beating softly. She closes her eyes again and cuddles into the pillow before murmuring a sleepy, “Goodnight.”
I can’t help but smile as I take her in. She looks so fucking adorable. I want to take a picture. Her hair is a mess from sex, her skin is glowing, and her pouty lips are slightly parted. I could count the freckles on her nose right now and be completely content with just being here with her.
The irony is not lost on me. How can I want to hurt and control her, but also like watching her go to sleep? Less than thirty minutes ago, I wanted nothing but to degrade her and fuck her any way I wanted to, but now I want nothing more than to keep her safe and happy. How can I want both?
Fuck me, I think Colt is right. I think I’m in love with Leni.