“You brought her to that gala.”
“Doesn’t mean shit, and you know it,” he said. “You think I’d see someone you fucked before me?”
I gave a shrug. “I don’t see what the big deal is.”
“Alright,” he said. “What if I had already fucked Fleur?”
I stilled at the question because it did bother me—a lot. It bothered me that Adrien had fucked her when his dick was unworthy of her royal paradise. The SUV pulled up to the warehouse on the commercial road, barbed wire fencing around the perimeter. There were no cars. “You sure he’s here?”
“They hide their cars on the other street.”
“Then they won’t be able to run.”
“What a brilliant plan.” He hopped out of the SUV first.
I came around the vehicle, our tactical team already out of their cars and ready to burn this place down on my command.
Luca put out his cigar and crushed it beneath his boot as he released the last cloud of smoke from his mouth. “Let’s do this shit.”
I headed to the sliding metal door to the warehouse, a smaller door placed inside it on the right, a dead giveaway to criminal activity. I pounded my fist against the door then looked at the camera in the corner. “Here to have a chat with Regis.” I stood back from the door, arms crossed over my chest, knowing they were trying to decide their course of action. Did they act completely innocent and lie through their teeth—or did they act guilty and show their hand?
When the door opened a second later, I had my answer.
Regis was there in a black hoodie, the warehouse full of tables that were already packed with the drugs that would be shipped to the port to the west. Paris was the biggest city in the country and the best place to flood the streets with product, but when it came to international shipments, the city was a difficult location because of how central it was. “Bastien, what brings you here?” He approached me with a smile and presented his hand so I could shake it.
I ignored the offer and stepped around him, doing a quick surveillance of the room, the number of guys, and the number of guns. I grabbed an empty chair and dragged it to the center of the room. “Take a seat, Regis.”
Luca placed two additional chairs in front of it.
Regis became timid when he breathed in the potent hostility.
“We need to have a chat.” I dropped into a chair and sat back before I gestured to the seat across from me.
Luca got comfortable in the other chair, arms folded over his chest.
Regis turned to the men who worked in the facility, the men at the tables halting their packing. He looked at the ones who were armed and shook his head slightly before he sat in the chair across from me.
I stared for a solid minute, letting him drown in my silent wrath. “As much as I hate to sound like a fucking cliché, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Let me tell you what the easy way is because you already know the outcome of the other option.” I reached into my jacket and pulled out the knife I used for all my punishments. “Your left hand.”
The warmth he’d exuded earlier had been swallowed by a cold frost. He swallowed, his eyes shifted to Luca before they came back to me, and then he started to sweat. “Bastien, I don’t understand?—”
“The hard way, then?” I cocked my head slightly.
“I—I just don’t understand the problem?—”
“Yep,” Luca said. “The hard way, it is.”
“We know you’re intentionally falsifying your profits,” I said. “You’re cheating the Fifth Republic, and if you’re going to cheat the system, then the system no longer needs you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Bastien.” He raised his voice, sounding sincere as his forehead started to collect sweat. “I would never try to cheat you or the Fifth Republic out of their cut?—”
“I wonder how deep this deception goes if you can lie to my face like that,” I said calmly. “Regis, have you heard of Greenback Investments?”
He started to pale because he knew it was over.
“Of course you have,” I said. “And I’ve heard of it too since I own it. The amount of funds you’ve deposited into that account is far too high, based on your gross proceeds. You claim you have no other revenue stream, so the only logical explanation for the deposits is foul play. I’ve calculated the amount that should have been paid to the Fifth Republic and have removed that from your account, so no further action needs to be taken on your part.”
He didn’t have the strength to look calm anymore. The uneasiness was visible in the slight way he trembled, the way his eyes shifted back and forth like he didn’t know whether to look at me or Luca.